Showing 50 out of 27,109 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,057
3 October, 05:30; Ferrari THE BEST, Malaysia
Michael, if u would like to be Ferrari future directors, u r very welcome b'cause u r the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 October, 04:18; G.H.Tan, Malaysia
Schumacher Who??
Schumacher is the Formula 1 best driver and ever.
We all support you Michael Schumacher.
You are the best!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
3 October, 04:09; siew leng, malaysia
stay .. N stay .. couse u'R the best !!!!!!
3 October, 03:57; bentnee, malaysia ( nearly Sepang F1 circuit )
Hi Shumi....
You are the BEST and LENGEND on the WORLD.........
3 October, 03:46; Grace, Malaysia
Being a super star born to formula one,
You will remember as the one and the only one,
Your fighting spirit determination bring the sport to the world attention,
It is heart breaking with joy and fun when watching you came from behind and finished infront.

I enjoy watching the red car on the circuit and the sea of red flag,
Every time you take the chequered flag,
Of all the great race Shang Hai is the best race you have ever win.

Your rival to the driver championship title,
Spill with fear criticism at the Monaco championship title,
Your calmness and politeness spell your,
Kindness and friendlyness.

People comes and go and so do champion comes and go your annoucement to retire from motor sport,
Seem's to be sweet and timely when you are still at the top,
Formula without you Michael Schumacher,
Will never as be interesting as never.
3 October, 03:24; Ravi, India
Without michael, F1 is no more interesting.
3 October, 03:23; zixx, latvia
schumacher is the greatest GARBAGE in f1! Go and KILL yourself you stupid bitc*h!!!
3 October, 03:17; Marco, Germany
Schumi > all!!!!!!!
3 October, 03:08; Ivy lee, CHINA , Shanghai
I'm so luck beause I'm form Shanghai. Though couldn't go to live, still so happy.

Michael: You are the best all the world. I suppot you forever.
3 October, 02:52; zixx, latvia
Take Ralf with you!
3 October, 02:51; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
3 October, 02:50; zixx, latvia
hope you crash and die. You're no star.
3 October, 02:16; andrlos, Czech Rep.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 October, 02:02; Rashko Patnikov, Bulgaria
Michael and the whole Ferrari Team,
Thank you for making last Suday one of the happiest days in my life!!!! It was absolutelly superb performance!!!! Du bist DER BESTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forza Ferrari!!!!!!!
3 October, 01:14; ALEX, Austria
„Schumi, eine Legende. 16 Jahre lang war er nicht gerade sympathisch, jetzt ist er freundlicher geworden. Vielleicht hat er seinen Schutzpanzer abgelegt und zeigt sich, wie er ist. Man kann ihm nur noch den achten Titel wünschen.“
Corriere della Sera:
„Nach einem Meisterwerk in China erreicht Schumacher Fernando Alonso. Ein Rennen im perfekten Schumi-Stil und ein beispiellos gutes Auto haben dem Deutschen zum Sieg verholfen. In zwei Rennen entscheidet sich die Saison.“
La Repubblica:
„König Michael. Aber wieso hört so ein Champion auf?“
„Alonso von Schumacher versenkt und im Regen ertrunken.“
„Man kann die klinische Präzision Michael Schumachers, dieses geborenen Siegers, nur noch bewundern.“
El Mundo Deportivo:
„Herzinfarkt! Nach 560 Tagen und 33 Rennen sagt Alonso der Spitze Adios. Schumacher gibt wieder den Ton an.“
„Selbst Schumachers Kritiker müssen zugeben, dass dies eine der besten Leistungen seiner Karriere war. Er donnerte vom sechsten Startplatz zu seinem 91. Sieg.“
Evening Standard:
„Glücksspiel in China zahlt sich für Schumacher aus. Der siebenfache Weltmeister setzt auf die Reifen und liefert eine der großartigsten Leistungen seiner Laufbahn.“
„Schumacher kurz vor dem Ziel eines der größten Comebacks
Daily Mirror:
„Fernando Alonso konnte nur müde lächeln, als er vom Podest aus auf die zerbrochene Champagnerflasche und den sich ausbreitenden Schaum schaute. Es war eine der besten Leistungen in Schumachers glänzender Karriere.“
The Times:
„Schumacher ein Meister der Rückkehr. Fernando Alonso muss sich manchmal fragen, was er noch tun muss, um Schumacher aufhalten zu können.“
„Super-Schumi – 116:116. Das ist der nackte WM-Stand in der Formel 1. Nach dem 91. GP-Sieg des roten Renngottes. Nach einer Vorstellung, die seinen in Monza verkündeten Rücktritt jetzt fast wie einen Witz erscheinen lässt.“

3 October, 00:58; anti-zixx, germany
--> zixx
schade, man sollte den user enttarnen und strafrechtlich verfolgen. was du von dir gibst ist einfach nur arm, peinlich und lächerlich. such dir doch freunde oder spam ein anderes gästebuch zu. aber da du mich eh nicht verstehst, machst du wahrscheinlich solange weiter bis dir deine eltern den rechner wegnehmen...
3 October, 00:48; zixx, hate you
respect to SEB!!! Canada hockey ROCKS! schumi suc*ksssss badly!!!!
3 October, 00:46; zixx, hate you
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
3 October, 00:45; zixx, latvia
Die, and take Ralph with you!!!
3 October, 00:44; zixx, latvia
hope you crash and die. You're no star.
3 October, 00:43; zixx, latvia
schumacher rulz. love you forever!
3 October, 00:22; Hate, You
Take Ralf with you!
3 October, 00:21; Seb, Canada
I hope you crash and die. You're no star. If you were you'd help the lesser teams like Spyker so that way there is real competitivness in the sport. Plus your Bridgestone brown nosing.. where's the competition?
3 October, 00:05; Me, My Place
You're no Senna, get bent!
2 October, 23:52; zixx, latvia
Pavel! Alonso 100 raz kruche etovo sleznika schumi!
2 October, 22:37; Павел, Россия
Эх.... как жаль, что уходит такой гонщик! Я смотрю Ф1 с 1997 года и являюсь естественно поклонником (не путать с фанатом!) Феррари и вас, Михаэль. За это время много было критики, но думаю это спорт и зависть злоязычников. Уважаю Ваше решение уйти и не буду писать, чтобы вы остались в гонках... просто грустно, что уходит целая эпоха, грустно, что хотел съездить на одно из Гран При и посмотреть собственными глазами на ваш талант, грустно от того, что сама моя мечта попробовать себя в гонках - несбыточна.. в мои то 28 лет. Это было замечательное время когда вы участвовали в гонках, опять же грустно, что этого уже не увидеть...
2 October, 22:27; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 22:27; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 22:26; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 22:26; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 22:25; zixx, latvia
schumacher you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 22:14; Lagoda Iurie, Moldova, Kisinau
Formula 1 4 ever. Schumi for ever, schumi is the best. Schumi Moldova love you. Schumi pls stay in F1, please you is the best
ALONSO - LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 October, 21:31; Esra, Turkey
The word `retirement` came out of your mouth, drops went down from my eyes. You are the one, always wil be. Whatever you do, wherever you go my best wishes are there for you. So sad to see you retiring after making us enjoy such incredible moments at these late stages. You and we all know that you could even have the 10th title.

Now, let me finish with some Turkish traditional support, as I`ve already done to you: I love u schumiii, I love u schumii!!!!!
2 October, 21:26; ÇİLEM ÇELİK, TURKEY
Hi Schumi,,, You Are The Best Schumi! I Love You Schumi!
Please, Don't Go Schumi! Forever Schumi!
2 October, 20:53; For ever Schumi fan, Italy
Hi Schumi... I'm from Ferrari's country. You made our country's team the champion. So we always supported you. Now you say you will go. Michael I won't say stay to you. I just want to know. Why Michael Why now? You didn't go while some stupit guys wrote for you 'Retire Now Michael!' You didn't care them. Now please Michael don't care any body. Even don't care Ferrari... If you go now because of them so goes Ferrari............ And Michael you used your wşngs in Shangai yesterday..... Your wings brought you to us Now I want them to make you come back again......... We love you Michael........ And we love Ferrari because It's your team. Now After you go! You will take everything with you.... Especially my love to Ferrari and my love to F1...... You will take them........................................................ ................

(If Schumi's fans want They can add my adress to their MSN It's:
2 October, 20:53; sharron, England
Thank you for many years of happiness, thrills and pure enjoyment. I love your passion for the sport and the time and respect you show to your fellow drivers and your team. I wish you all the best. Here's to championship number 8!! You are the best, ever x
2 October, 20:16; Biggles, England
Zixx what's your problem man? Why do you hate Michael so much?
This is a fan site. We know you don't like Michael but surely even you can recognise and respect his ability and achievements? (Like Alonso did after the race!)
Those are some pretty strong comments you made ealier.
Schumi Forever!
2 October, 20:06; anti-zixx, Germany
zur Erinnerung,,,,,,

ZIXX du bist ein verblendeter dummer 5chwanzloser Anti, eigentlich sollte man dir raten dich ins Bett zu legen und darauf zu warten dass du stirbst, aber dir kann man nur wünschen dass es Hirn regnet, du brauchst aber nur einen Teelöffel um das Vakuum in deinem Spatzenhirn zu füllen....

ZIXX you are an stupid dikkless a55hole, normally you should lay in bed waiting for death to come, for you it is recommended to wait that it is raining brain, only one spoonful is enough to fill the vacuum you ugly dikkface...
2 October, 18:59; Barry Cowan, Britain
zixx from Latvia (a**se hole country) is a sad little person who will always be a failure in life. Look for zixx's other message humiliating himself by saying sorry about his dirty comments against Schumacher
2 October, 18:52; Peter Dawson, Britain
The people who don't appreciate you Michael are the ones who don't like F1 and have sad little lives. You have served the world of sport brilliantly these last 16 years and will always be one of the true great sportsmen and women.
2 October, 18:42; Wang Jialin, China
Wonderful Shanghai Grand Prix!
Michael, please stay will us.
2 October, 18:32; ms, TAIWAN
When you say:I'm going to retire, I was very sad . But that is your decision, I will support you , even that I was sad.
I just want to say that : whatever you do,you're always in my heart forever.
2 October, 18:31; Sunay, Bulgaria
Schumacher please stay,stay,stay,stay
2 October, 18:28; juhász istván, ungarn
Thank you ...Forever MICHAEL....Köszönöm az elmult 15 évet. te vagy a KIRÁLY...!!!!!!
2 October, 18:03; Jochen, Deutschland
Der König tritt ab. Was folgt ist ein Haufen möchte-gern Prinzen, die Jahre darum streiten werden, wer neuer König sein darf. Aber keiner wird in absehbarer Zeit Deine Erfolge in den Schatten stellen!
Für die Neider da draußen: natürlich hat Schumi alles getan um oben zu bleiben. Dass manche Dinge nicht ganz legal waren ist unumstritten. Aber schau' sich doch bitte mal einer die Restarts nach Safety-Car-Phase vom Alonso an, das Bremsmanöver im Training gegen Schumacher, die versteckte Teamorder von Renault... JEDER der mal oben war, will dort bleiben - mit allen Mitteln. Und nur weil Schumi die letzten Jahre fast permanent oben war, fällt es auf, dass er alles dafür tut.
Seine größte Leistung sind nicht seine bislang 7 WM-Titel. Die größte Leistung ist, dass er Ferrari zu dem gemacht hat, was sie die letzten Jahre waren und was sie jetzt sind: ein TOP-Rennstall. Und jeder der Schumacher beschimpft soll sich ansehen was in den Jahren nach Bennetton der Fall war: mühsamme Aufbauarbeit. Jeder wollte, dass er zu McLaren geht oder zu Williams oder sonst wohin. Aber: er ist geblieben und hat um sich ein großes Team aufgebaut. Ohne ihn wäre Ferrari vermutlich nicht mehr in der F1!

Deshalb: Hut ab, verbeugung und ein großes Dankeschön an den besten Rennfahrer aller Zeiten!
2 October, 17:59; HMS, Finland
Perfect drive on Sunday! No one else on those Brodgestones
could have done so well. A victory, when it was supposed to
be impossible. INCREDIBLE! But then again, that is what our
Schumi has always been. And always will be =)

2 October, 17:47; -chris, schumis country
@ zixx, latvia: you s*ck!
2 October, 17:42; Jessie Wang, China
I'm so grateful that you came out of the car at last and gave us autograghs in the rain. You're so nice! You're always No.1 in my heart!
I already miss you, please come to Shanghai when you feel free. I'm looking forward to meeting you again!
你最后能打开车门,来到雨里为我们签名,我 实在太感激了,也太感动了!你是我心中的唯 一!
2 October, 16:57; Kimi Raikkonen, Finland
I wanna be your teammate next year!Don't leave!
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