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New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
14 September, 21:28;
matias vargas, chile
Dear Michael: My name is Matias Vargas, I live in Punta Arenas, the most southern city in Chile, I\'m 10 years old, I hope that you continue in F-1, this year I wanted to travel to Brasil to see you in the last race of this season but I think it won´t be possible, my mother send my wish to MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION here in Chile (I\'m a cancer survivor, I have a great history), because my great desire is to see you, they haven´t answered us yet, so, please stay one year more and if God wants I will travel and know you if you can, You are great, stay one year more please.Your Nbr. 1 fan Matias
14 September, 21:26;
Anti, AntiSports
Yes, Yes, Yes, Go Schoemaker Go, nobody clever will cry !!!
14 September, 21:08;
slavacerney, Moldova
shumy Go Go Go
14 September, 21:06;
Raphael Haefeli, SPAIN
Schmi number 1 for ever!!!! Thanks for all thease years!!!!!!!!!Muchas gracias schumi por to!!!!!1 Vielen dank Schumi für alles!!!!!!
14 September, 21:04;
Anti, Antisports
Thanks Schoemaker, go make shoes
14 September, 20:37;
Alex, Russia
All who not for Shumi, please go out, it site not for u!!
14 September, 20:35;
Samykow Yura, Russia
Michael, f1 will be dead without you. You - greatest racer in history of autosport.
14 September, 20:35;
Alexei, Enshin
BEST driver cant win without BEST car)) lol, Shumi ch3ater?? 7 times?? he buy all in F1 for win it? or may be he win other way??? omg ... i know .. jean tod - alien oO and control minds and cars of other people .. and it purpose of Shumi wins ..ps. btw .. peoples, who not for shumi, please GO OUT, this site not for u .. im sure, ALL, who write there would not write bad about ur favorite driver when he want to leave F1 .. be patient!!
14 September, 20:08;
Muppet, England
Get stuffed \'F1 insider \' .Schumi forever!
14 September, 19:53;
alecsandru.bublic, IASI-ROMANIA
schumacher-alonso 7-1, ?schumacher-alonso7-2, ? schumacher-alonso8-2 ? ferrari-renault ????????????????????
14 September, 19:49;
aaron, china
i love schumi.
14 September, 19:43;
jennifer, france
hi everybody, I\\\'m agree with you, Im dont want too that schumi\\\'s going. But may be he\\\'s taking his decision, and I\\\'m sure that he don\\\'t leave his second family ferrari. We never forget him, but it\\\'s his choice! He \\\'s beaten all records! For that, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He\\\'s the BOSS of the races foreve!
14 September, 19:37;
Paul, England
Come on lets have a few more years with a proper partner this time and see what you can really do x
14 September, 19:19;
林文武, 中国福建
14 September, 18:43;
Rainnie, china
Don\'t say goodbyeI ask you to try to keep on driving until the day we die Please tell me why the reason you\'ll retire It make me so sad It really make me cry! Turn your eyes to the sky It\'s the only one thing bigger than you in our mind We will always beside you We will Never Say Goodbye!
14 September, 18:33;
Han Roopstra, Netherlands
Yahooo! Finally he leaves! Thank you for giving-up. Kimi got you sc4red right? He is better than you, and so is Alonso. They are both fair sportsmen unlike you. Park. Go Away. Stay Away. Do never return unless you can be fair. But you cannot. Heinz-Harald Frenzen was better than you, Villeneuve was better than you. Herbert was better than you. You are not worth to be talked about, you broke the records -statisticly. But in the way you did it - its W0rthless. You will never be a real legend people will look up to and remember as one of the really great ones. You are m!serable. I can only remember you as the who did f-cuk up f1. Oh I look forward to 2007 it will be a great year with Alonso Kimi Trulli Kubica Webber Kovalainen Coulthard Button.. PS! Tell your brother to swap his surname or to quit - he is a bit more honest guy than you.
14 September, 18:24;
Thomas Bröder, Germany
bitte fahre weiter.ohne dich ist die formel 1 nichts. selbst meine oma hat sich nachts den wecker gestellt um dich zu sehen. für mich bist du ein held und wirst es immer bleiben
14 September, 18:16;
Liz, UK
The day you announced your retirement I was in tears. You\'ve been a huge part of my life since I started watching F1 in 1994. I saw you in Silverstone 97, Germany 03 and Monaco 06 - (perhaps it\'s a good thing I won\'t be able to see you race again because I think I may have been bad luck!) You are a true legend and the greatest driver by far over the last decade. You will be missed so much and I feel proud to have shared in the last 13 years of your career. I will miss seeing you jump on that podium and your smile, savouring every win as if it was your first. Enjoy your retirement Michael, you deserve every minute of it. And here\'s to an eighth world championship!
14 September, 18:14;
Alex, China
Patrick, when u didn\'t know the truth and libel someone as a l!ar, u r really the l!ar! It\'s not kind of u to say so, coz u r not the Jesus to stigmatize others!!!
14 September, 18:07;
F1insider, UK
how schuey wins. To take pole, they have fixed the time taking, notice the delay for schueys times to show up. Schuey gets the pole hi did not acheive with a bit more fuel load, enough for 1-2 laps. Then spraying the tyres with supersticky glue, it lasts for 1-2 laps, notice Schuey has been able to do faster laps with a refuelled car than he is able to do with a light car before refuelling. Strange. But so easy with super sticky glue on the tyres. Best of all - the evidence is gone after the race. On a two stopper he gains at least 3-4 sec , enough to snap a position..or the lead. I can not respect this guy. He had all the talent to be one of the best - but not a single title has he acheived without controversey. Worthless acheivements. Thank you for leaving Michael.
14 September, 18:00;
kathryn.tang, china
Micheal.please stay with us forever!I can\'t image F1 without you.
14 September, 17:47;
M Schumi, USA
Michael, you are the reason I watch F1 cos you are the greataest F1 driver of all times. It is because of you I watch F1 and without you, F1 will be boring. You have the most brilliant driving skills and a real genius. You are No.1 and will forever be No.1 in Formula 1! For those who criticised you, it is because they are jealous of you and no match to your brilliant driving skills. You will be missed and you are a legend!
14 September, 17:45;
Patrick, UK
I am happy he is finally leaving! So pathetic, once a l!ar always a l!ar. Just look at the picture on this website, how can a l!ar be so proud of wins he got by ch-eating?
14 September, 17:37;
To Kivilchim, Finland
How did Prost or Lauda ever not follow the rules?? Never they were the big champions. So was Senna even if he once made an error.Think Lauda, Prost, Piquet, Hakkinen, Hill, Mansell..no che4ters, perhaps in good cars but no controversy. Allways real sportsmen like Alonso and Raikkonen
14 September, 17:30;
john, uk
To F1 insider..Yeah I noticed this, but did not know what they did. So Schuey gets a pole, that was no pole with a heavier fuel load, enough for 1-2 laps longer to the pit stop.....and then run on glue..smart. and everything looks perfect awterwards. I thought they were fixing the refuelling as they did at Benetton for Schuey..so he got the first title.
14 September, 17:17;
Kivilcim, Turkey
He is the best F1 driver ever. There should be no discussion about that. Sometimes he was not very \\\"friendly\\\" on the track, that\\\'s true. But which one of the great drivers was fair? Senna? Prost? Lauda? Don\\\'t make me laugh.. And I don\\\'t think that he got any favours from anybody during his 16 years. In contrary to that, rules of the game were changed just to slow him down. You may find F1 boring in the last seasons but that\\\'s not his fault. Blame McLaren for always bringing the most unstable car on the track - which why Kimi is leaving after losing his most productive years with Ron Dennis and his gang. Or blame Renault and BMW for waiting so long to come up with competetive cars. I think he is definitely stopping earlier than he wished, just not to stay in front of Felipe and Kimi..
14 September, 17:16;
肖卓, China
你是我心中永远的神!永远是我心中那一骑绝 尘的红色火焰! 虽然你即将离开,可是只要一想到你陪着爱妻 ,儿女,牵着爱马在蓝天下漫步的情景,就会 由衷地为你感到幸福! You are the immortal legend , the king of F1, the invincible deity in our hearts!Hope you happy and healthy!
14 September, 17:13;
Casey, Estoni
Do stay in F1... What\'s the point of watching some nobody\'s battle for the championship when we all know you should be taking them anyway...
14 September, 17:11;
梦幻水底, 中国上海
14 September, 17:08;
F1 insider, Italy
Ok here is how Schumi wins...They spray glue on the wheels, have done so since mid season at least, have you noticed the quicker than light fuel loads after refueling? Yep, massive grip with glue, lasts for 1-2 laps. That is at least a gain of 2 sec every pitstop. Best of all, the evidence is gone after the race! Perfect. Flexible wings, moving aerodynamic devices the new rear hubcaps, Fixing the time taking. Have you noticed the delay for Schuey\'s times to show up. They can manipuate lap times with at least 0,5 sec with this secret technology...How it is done, a delay of the sensor signal when the car is moving over start finnish line,, and a fake early signal for crossing the finnish line activated just before the real signal. Geniously simple. The cars telemetry sends the time to the offical time taking. Because of rewriting the data for the whole lap there is a delay. Schuey love electronics and glue at Ferrari..
14 September, 17:06;
ondrej, czech
Hail to the King. You are the King, Schumi. Please stay at least one more year in F1. Noone else can compensate your leaving.
14 September, 16:58;
shimei, China
I\'ll never think that F1 is again excellent to me , just for lacking of you, Bye bye ,Schumi,my king!!!!
14 September, 16:50;
xin, china
14 September, 16:46;
Nick2904, Germany
Danke Schumi, für alles. Auch wenn der Schock über deinen Rücktritt noch groß ist, so ist deine Entscheidung doch nachvollziehbar. Ich hoffe du packst den Alonso jetzt noch, damit der mal wieder klar denken kann und mit diesem dummen gerede aufhört. Und an alle Leute hier im Forum die gegen Schumi sind, auch als Schumi Hasser muss man anerkennen was er geleistet hat und das er fahrerisch eine Klasse für sich ist. Außerdem glaube ich kaum das ihn hier jemand persönlich kennt, also sollte man mit einigen Aussagen vorsichtiger sein.In diesem Sinne, für mich ist \"Michele\" der beste Fahrer aller Zeiten.
14 September, 16:46;
clue0129, China
God bless you!!! Wish you have a god time in Shanghai.You made a good desicion. You are the best,
14 September, 16:42;
Keke, Germany
Michael will push Alonso of the track if he does not find any other way. Renault would otherwise fit Alonsos car with bumpers, but will not get permission FIA told our reporter much needed schuey bumpers would be considered aerodynamic devices.Keke
14 September, 16:40;
木Mu, 中國
14 September, 16:35;
Jaques, Canada
F1 2007 is going to be the best season for 16 years. Finally fair play again! You made me loose the interest for the \'sport\' with your cheap tricks. Stay away!
14 September, 16:30;
Alex, USA
Michael, Please leave! Go Home, Quit. Park for good. - But, Not on the track like in Monaco..
14 September, 16:27;
No Schumacher No F1
14 September, 16:26;
simon, germany
come to DTM
14 September, 16:10;
kimi, GER
Thank you, schumacher!Now F1 is clean
14 September, 16:07;
KOBE仔, 中国广东东莞
14 September, 15:56;
tracy_ruan, China
Michael, you are the only king in my heart!
14 September, 15:55;
顾晓芳, 中国湖北
14 September, 15:53;
顾晓芳, 中国
14 September, 15:48;
George Zhang, Shanghai,China
You are the best,Michael!!!I believe that you will win the Shanghai Grand Prix.God bless YOU!!!
14 September, 15:46;
Ofir Katzav, Israel
Michael , please stay for another year, please.We miss you already , F1 will not be the same without you, it can\\\'t be .
14 September, 15:42;
Roro Liu, CHINA
I want you see your smile!!! schmi, I love you forever~
14 September, 15:34;
Alyona, Russia
Alonso, France - Be cleaned from here, this site not for youPages: First «
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