Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
13 September, 18:20; krishna, philippines
schumi, i can\'t really imagine what is it like watching next F1 season without you in your ferrari car... *sobs* im just disappointed because i will not be able to watch you race Live... not even a single chance because you are retiring now...
13 September, 18:18; 果果, China
伐晓得刚撒好...虽然无伐懂F1 但是无晓得弄四F1额代表 希望弄一路走好...
13 September, 18:18; laura, italy-Monza
Dear Michael, thak you for al, you have made me dream and i wish happiness for you forever.
win your 8th title as ever. the title must be yours.
i have seen monza gp, i was there, all 5 gp of monza you have won.you have given me unique and sensational feelings, thank you.
I love you forever
13 September, 18:16; 粉果泡泡, china
用中文说吧.从前我根本不了解F1是什么东 西,是你把我带进了F1的世界.但是当我真 正地了解这一项运动是,你却选择了离开.但 是我尊重你的选择.你选择了远离尘嚣,远离 繁华,在恬淡了静谧中整理自己的辉煌,这可 能是另一种伟大吧.
13 September, 18:15; Rebecca, Germany
I`m so glad he\'s gone. I could\'t stand him another year. He\'s arrogant and ugly. Thank god his time has passed.
13 September, 18:08; Svetlana, Russia
Schumi thank you,your are the best, take your 8th title!!!!!!!
13 September, 18:05; YAYA, china
饿...怎么有人说中文...Although you will leave the stage soon.But you will be the greatest athlete in F1,even in the world.
13 September, 18:00; 休休, china
13 September, 17:59; YAYA, CHINA
You will be a hero in my hero in my heart.That\'s you brought me to the match.FLY AWAY.FLY HIGHER.Fighting
13 September, 17:58; xiuxiuxyz, china
i am a fan of kimi ,and i just wacth f1 since 2004.but i still love this match and Schumacher .......he leave means f1 will change just like change the great world.........please stay here!!!!!!!1
13 September, 17:55; Alex Sun, China
Please change your idea,for ferrarri, for us!
13 September, 17:54; 至爱Schumi, China
Dear Michael: wherever you go , whatever you do, I will be always support you ! You are my hero! You are my
love! Also, you are the king of Formula 1 forever! I wish
happiness forever!!!
13 September, 17:44; Johnny Cecotto, Venezuela
Michael geh nach Hause, wir alle haben die Nase voll von Deinen unfairen Tricksereien, deinen ermogelten Titeln und Siegen, deinen gedemütigten Teamkollegen, die nicht vor dir fahren durften, auch wenn sie schneller waren, deine Politker bei der FIA, die dir die Titel schenkten.
Du bist ein grosser Fahrer, du wärst auch ohne dies einige Male Weltmeister geworden, aber der Unterschied wäre:
Du hättest dann wirklich stolz darauf sein können.
Nicht wie oft man gewinnt ist wichtig, sonder wie !!!!
Bleib für immer zu Hause und lass anständige Menschen Formel 1 machen.
13 September, 17:41; jenny, China
dear michael:

although I want to say please stay again and again,I know we must respect your decide
anyway,hope you will enjoy your life without racing
but I know that you will do the things about this and keep notice the game forever,right?
one day yuo still love F1,one day I am still your fans^^
come on!!you are the king of F1 forever!
13 September, 17:25; Tomas pro Kate, CZech
Katii, me by zajimala holka, co obdivuje Schumachera .. odkud jsi?Pisnes mi na 240260989 ... to je ten kecalek, nazev nechci tady moc uvadet, aby nepsal kazdej magor ... zacina to na íce kve
13 September, 17:17; LISA, China
I love you forever!
13 September, 17:16; Pelle Kongo, Estonia
Please stay! Show the young guns what it takes to be a champion! Take a year off if you wish but you\'ve got to return!
13 September, 17:14; Andy O, Deutschland
Schumacher ist ein einmaliges Phänomen! Er hat nicht nur bewiesen das er der beste Pilot aller Zeiten ist, sondern hat auch gezeigt, dass er menschlich einmalig ist.
Schumacher weiß genau um was es im Leben geht und holt sich daraus auch seine Ausgeglichenheit und Perfektion!
Ciao Schumi!
Du wirst mit Sicherheit EINMALIG bleiben!
13 September, 17:04; francesco, south italy
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
you\'re the numero 1
13 September, 17:01; xfy, china
Schumi,be sad and I\\\'ll not miss u ever!!!
U are my enemy!!!!
Thanks for all that U took from us. Danke.
Ich scheisse dich.
13 September, 16:58; Hiroyuki Aoki, Japan
13 September, 16:58; shuter, finland
Worst driver of all times. His drivingstyle is so pathetic you would like to puke seeing him drive around track.
13 September, 16:56; zxw, China
Schumi,be happy and I\'ll miss u 4 ever!!!
U are my king!!!!
Thanks for all that U gave us. Danke.
Ich liebe dich.
13 September, 16:43; Gary, HK
Please come back Michael.
13 September, 16:37; Marcin, Germany
Das ganze gerede von Alonsos dass du ein Unfairer Fahrer bist, ist doch nur neid. Der kleine Sp.... wird doch nie so Erfolgreich sein wie du.
Schumacher Forever
The Best driver of ALL TIME
13 September, 16:32; Michael, Germany
Ohne diech ist es langweilig in der Formel 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 September, 16:19; cao junmin, China
With out you, F1 is noting!
13 September, 16:05; Zozita, Lithuania
I\'m from Lithuania and I wanted to be whith you!!!!!
13 September, 16:03; Kristina, Lithuania
Hi, I love you!!!!!
13 September, 16:01; Martin, Czech Republic
Get out ! He drive unfair ! I dont want him !
13 September, 15:56; Alyona, Russia
Michael I love you very much!
13 September, 15:54; Samanta, Lithuania
Hi......and.....good...... bey.....=D
13 September, 15:44; zhe.wang, china
one michael ,one F1 ------please stay in F!
13 September, 15:34; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, malta
shumis rullzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in f-1
13 September, 15:28; Crash and Burn!, Denmark
I hope someone takes you out permenatly in one of the remaining 3 races, you know its gonna happen............not like YOU never did anything like that...........did you??
13 September, 15:25; İstanbulPark, TURKEY
Our lives are better, more exciting and more hopeful with you Michael Schumacher, we learned to be THE BEST from you...
You are the star and the king of Formula 1 and all of other sports... You are our HERO forever...
Formula 1 will have no meaning after you, nobody can be as succesful as you, nobody can have many fans like you and nobody can be a real champion after you in Formula 1...
Thank you for 15 wonderful years...
I wish you will be very happy with your family and friends forever...
I will never forget you...
13 September, 15:21; Subi, China
good luck! Your name will in my heart forever!
13 September, 15:18; Julia, China
\"Remember: together we can win the biggest Grand Prix - watch Michael in F1 for at least one more year!\"
Now we lose the GP forever !
Michael please happy! We love you
13 September, 15:08; nini ai Schumi, CHINA
13 September, 15:00; 奶茶, 中国
13 September, 14:51; Guan youfang, China
Thank you so much for giving us so many surprise~I just want
to say I will suppor t you,miss you,love you forever!!Stay in f1
please.we need you!!!!!!!you are the best,you are the hero in my heart!!!!!I will be your fan forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 September, 14:43; ada, China
you are the best person in the f1!
i hope you will have a wonderful live forever!
13 September, 14:42; Charles wu, China
You are the best driver in the world
13 September, 14:38; chenjie, nanjing,China
You are the besr one in F1,I\'ll support you forever!
13 September, 14:37; zjl, china
留下吧! @_@\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\ '\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\ '\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'
I hope you will stay f1 . you are best best best
I need you,I like you ,every fans need you!
I want watch you drive F1 forever .
13 September, 14:34; Bernd, Germany
Aus großer Kraft folgt große Verantwortung!
Du warst Dir dieser Verantwortung immer bewußt und gehst als Legende in die Geschichte ein!
Wir haben mit Dir geweint, getrauert, gefeiert, gejubelt und unseren Hut vor Deiner Leistung gezogen! Uns fehlt nur noch der 8. Stern auf Deiner Mütze...........!
Wir sind stolz darauf, dass Du einer unserer Landesbürger bist!
13 September, 14:27; George Zhang, Shanghai,China
You are my hero!PLEASE DON\'T GO!!!
13 September, 14:23; George Zhang, Shanghai,China
If you leave F1,I won\'t watch F1 any more!!!!
So please don\'t go!!!!!!!!WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 September, 14:20; kate, czech
tomas jj sem.... ale tady mas psat o Michaelovi ne tu nahanet cesky holky :o)))
13 September, 14:17; Angelika, Germany
Hallo an alle Fans von Michael Schumacher und an die Fans, die diese Seite eingerichtet haben. Meine Frage und falls man mir die beantworten kann, dann bitte auf eine dieser Seiten. Vielleicht finde ich dann da eine Antwort, werde suchen wenn ich zwischendurch Zeit habe. Also wer kann mir sagen, ob diese Seite michael-please-stay-in-f1 bestehen bleibt? Über eine Antwort freue ich mich. Freundliche Grüße Angelika
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