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New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
13 September, 11:03; alicija, Lithuania
Man labai labai gaila, jog nusprendei iseiti. Verkiau kai isejai. Tu isejai graziai ir tavo sprendimas veikiausiai buvo teisingas. Zinok, jog kiekvienas is TIKRUJU tavo gerbeju, supranta ir palaiko tavo sprendima, nes tik tu musu visu laiku karalius ir mes mylime tave. Vienintelis dalykas, F1 jau niekada nebebus tokia pati, tik del taves susidomejau F1, bet Ferrari palaikysiu net ir po tavo isejimo. Myliu tave.
13 September, 11:00; David Šikl, Czech Republic
Michael, you are the best and you will be for me champion forever.
13 September, 10:58; blue lee, china
stay and win again!
13 September, 10:56; JILL YANG, P.R.CHINA
13 September, 10:53; Semen, Russia
please stay! Michael
13 September, 10:51; ZengYi, PRC
San Schumi!You\'re the Best!LOVE YOU FOREVER
13 September, 10:48; aleš, slovenija
f1 will never be the same
13 September, 10:47; Flavio, Renault Garage
Fernando if you here, please send me message
13 September, 10:44; zhangyan, china
I will support you forever
13 September, 10:42; Geraldine McManus, Ireland
Please don\'t quit F1, We need you - Please Stay
13 September, 10:32; mahith, india
i think d craze 4 f1 ends wit schumi.....pls stay
13 September, 10:32; Renren, china
Michael!! plzzzzzzzzz`` stay with us!! I\'m beggin u!! My king!!
13 September, 10:20; NItesh, india
dr schumi.. plz stay.. i dont kno y u wanna leave while ur carrer is soarin high.. it\'ll b a grave disappointment 4 all ur fans if u leave..
13 September, 10:13; punguin, china
king,when you decide to leave ,i felt so sad,but i\'ll respect what you had decided,and i\'ll love you and suport you forever!good bye ,my king,i wish you will happy every day
13 September, 09:58; mumu, china
because of your leaving ,maybe F1 is nothing for me.
I love you. please stay
13 September, 09:52; hunter, china
i believe you can going to run,i hope i can see you in F1
please don\'t left us
13 September, 09:42; CzechSupporter, CZ
I think and I believe,than you will reach 100 victories in GP and 10 championschips,please stay
13 September, 09:42; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Hi Michael i apologise for call you a cheat coz you are not. In fact you are the most sporting formula1 driver ever on the earth and I hope you will have good tie with your family. good luck
13 September, 09:40; Fan, CZ
I believe,Michael,please stay
13 September, 09:38; SchumiFANS, CZ
the last three wins and F1 will not as before it.You are the best pilot and I supported you always since 1991,when you started,thank you,meister
13 September, 09:35; Mairin Hobden, Ireland
Please Stay
13 September, 09:29; zhou rong feng, China
you are the best!!!!!!!
13 September, 09:23; jessie, china
13 September, 09:22; jessie, china
Though You say you will retire
Though i feel so bad,but i still want to say you are the best!
i wlii wait for you at SHANGHAI!
13 September, 09:13; clockbin, CHN
13 September, 09:08; mudit khuteta, india
plzzzzzzzz dnt quit.......v all luv u......no michael no F1
13 September, 09:07; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Sorry Michael for say the bad things about you, i know that you are the best driver in f1 and i am only jealous. oh sour grapes i suppose and i m sure that you will win the world title this year.
PS:Wonder if FLAVIO BRIATORE is here.
13 September, 09:05; Hirurg, Moldova
YOUR ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
13 September, 09:02; 胖胖, 中国
13 September, 09:02; 日奈, CHINA
You are always the No.1
Please don\'t say goodbye
13 September, 08:49; 吴杰, 中国(china)
13 September, 08:44; 吴俊华 RG, China
We love you forever,Michael.
We all prefer the F1 with you than without you.
Don\'t left us alone!
13 September, 08:34; tiancong ma, China
I started to love F1 because of you. Because of you, I will continue to love this sport. Although you decided to leave, everything about F1 will reminde us avout you. We will remeber you forever and we will love F1 forever
13 September, 08:25; Tania, Russia
Michael - Forever!!!!
13 September, 08:21; qiuqiu, china
wish you will always be happy, whatever you decide to do.
13 September, 08:12; Mike, Czech republic
You´re not only the best F1 pilot...you are F1! And you´re Ferrari as well. Your heart will be beating in 20 000 rpm forever...
13 September, 07:52; james.yang, CHINA
13 September, 07:25; Annie, China
You are NO.1 in my heart forever!!!.
13 September, 07:11; Angela, China
SHUMMI,Turn your eyes to the sky, it\'s the only one thing bigger than you!
13 September, 07:04; virus, Malaysia
Schumy is the world champion. n he wil always be...
13 September, 07:01; tea, china
Beacause of you ,I love F1. Now you are leaving and stop your career of F1 . I will miss you very much. In my heart ,you are the best player in F1.You are hero.We will never forget you. Goodbye Michael.Good luck with you .
13 September, 05:57; andyZhang, china
stay here,don\'t levev.
13 September, 05:52; lulu, china
SCHUMI,i am so sad when you said you will retire.You are the hero in my mind forever! LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!
13 September, 05:39; lili, china
13 September, 05:38; ks, lou
13 September, 05:32; loveMichael, China
The king only the one, that is you! Schumi!
You are the king forever!!!!!!!!!!
I will always support you. Love you forever!!!!!!!!!
13 September, 05:09; Michael--Forever F1 King, China
Without Shumi, F1 is no longer attractive......
13 September, 05:06; Gaby, Romania
PLZ Michael stay on F1 you have 1 more record that is not yours and thai is the nr of racings.Ricardo Patrese 256 Michael 246.PLZ STAYYYYYY
13 September, 05:00; Trista, China
Anyone cannot replace you . you are the king of f1. I will miss you.Goodbye and good luck!!
13 September, 04:56; Sagar Ogale, India
Pls Micheal must reconsider his decision,if he could only stay longer
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