Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
12 September, 15:51; Leemoy, Brazil
Thank you!
12 September, 15:49; Juncal, Spain
Im spanish and i know that Alonso is good, just that Michael is the Best.He is a champion, a winner.
Michael,stay at F1 please!!It wont be the same without you..
You are amazing!
12 September, 15:46; longbing, china
i love you
12 September, 15:44; mother, america
i love michael he is my favorite. he cant retire!
12 September, 15:40; Andreas, Austria
Halt die Fresse Alonso! Du dummer Junge! 1 Titel und glaubt er ist schon wer...
12 September, 15:39; pangshizhi, china
12 September, 15:36; pangshizhi, china
i love you~
12 September, 15:35; Felix, Germany/Berlin
Also egal was all die anderen sagen, du bist der beste fahrer und bleibst es auch. Ich respektiere und verstehe deine Entscheidung, es ist der beste zeitpunkt auf deinem Höhepunkt, (der eigentlich dein ganzes formel1leben war)
aufzuhören und alle noch mal in den schatten gestellt zu haben.

Du bleibst immer nummer 1!
12 September, 15:34; Junior Amador, Mexico Monterrey N.L
Chumi eres el mejor, lastima que no tengo foto contigo ni autografiada pero te levo en mi corazon como buen piloto, no t creas de lo q dicen q eres antideportivo, son gente q no saben que en el automovilizmo hay que ser agarrido, y fuerte y carne fria, espero y ganes las ultomos 3 carreas y eres el mejor, Fly Fly chumi Fly Fly dios te bendige chumi
12 September, 15:34; 李骞, 中国
永远的车王 没有你F1是不完整的```````
12 September, 15:29; Shumi, Germania
Mr. Todt, I lub you up my bum!
12 September, 15:28; Some Guy, Somewhere
You Italians don't know how to play fair, you rig football matches and now F1 races?! Why would Alonso want to block you on his hot lap Massa, you got what you deserved anyhow. Karma!
12 September, 15:27; DEEPAK PRADHAN, INDIA
12 September, 15:26; Me Again, Canada
Glad you're gone, now we can actually see people race, not cower in fear of F1's little meal ticket! I thought racing was to be number one because you raced for it, not because you feel sorry for the guy who's retiring and move over or because you want to score brownie points with the team you're at next year! Yes, that's means you Kimi, way to cop out.. I've lost all respect for you, go get drunk you alcaholic-brown-nosed-twit!
12 September, 15:25; 胡天昊, China
I'll remember you forever!
Michael,you are the best!
12 September, 15:22; Seb, Canada
Monza was SO rigged!, Kimi gave you P1!
12 September, 15:16; 胡天昊, China
Michael,please stay in F1 with us.If you leave the F1,I'll stop watch F1 forever!!!
12 September, 15:15; Shumi, Germania
See my pic, I take it up the bum. Yum yum!
12 September, 15:09; Unlimited Jedi, Czech Republic
* will beat
12 September, 15:08; Unlimited Jedi, Czech Republic
I mean,Kubica is beat Alonso in next season,BUT MICHAEL SCHUMACHER IS ONE
12 September, 15:06; Derdi, Germany
Alonslow, little baby, F*CK OFF!
Schumi is the best forever!
12 September, 15:03; chenqian, china
Micheal Schnmacher = F1
F1 will not be perfect without M Schumacher.
I will not watch F1 next year.
I am one of the fans of F1,more important I love M Schumacher forever.
12 September, 15:00; PHA, France
The best !
12 September, 14:59; Jamal, Czech Republic
Hi Michael, ich lebe heute in Czech, ich moechte das du in F1 must noch ein Jahre bleib, weil du bist BEST. Ich habe daine Hanschuhen fuer Jerez in Spanien, aber ohne Unterschrift, so entschuldig fuer meine deutch (( :: SO PLEASE STEY
12 September, 14:53; Andre, Germany
Alonso ist ein mieser verlierer.Er meint von sich selbst so gut zu sein,das muß er nächstes Jahr im neuen wagen beweisen.Schumi war,ist und bleibt der Beste F1 fahrer.Es gibt noch mehr talentierte fahrer aber keiner von denen ist so gut wie Schumi.Er ist einfach ein ausnahme Talent.Das erste Jahr ohne Michael wird das schwerste.Es wird zeit das irgendeine Rennstrecke eine Schumi Kurve bekommt.
12 September, 14:51; Kalle, Germany
Adiue...es wurde Zeit...bist nicht gerade beliebt...auch bei den Fahrer nicht...ich denke die ganze F1 ist froh, wenn du weg bist...Einschaltquote etc. hin und her...es geht auch ohne dich weiter...
12 September, 14:50; 冯斯文, 中国
12 September, 14:49; FI -FAN, SOUTH-AFRICA
I believe in Shumi i don't think he will do stupit things in F1. But i realy think Alonso must grow up and take what is came to his he is no longer a baby if you want to be in F1 you must do your thing and don,t complain. So Shumi go boy go
I will mis you lots and you are the best ever in F1.
12 September, 14:49; Eng Cheong, Malaysia
I shout like mad with the tifosis looking at the ill-fated engine of Alonso. Get rid of the remaining 2-point deficit and retire as an 8-time champion, Michael. Wwe'll gonna miss you.
12 September, 14:47; Valentina Esposito, Italy
Michael...anche se vai via dalla formula uno resterai per sempre nel mio cuore...sei stato sei e sarai il mio idolo....GRAZIE di tutto.....i tuoi fans ti amano!
12 September, 14:39; Luo, Taiwan
Schmi you are the best.
12 September, 14:39; Frodo, Germany
Gott sei Dank geht Schumi von der Bildfläche und taucht nur noch in Statistiken auf...wenn Schumi die F1 gewinnt, dann nur durch Hilfe der FIA...die wollen ihm wahrscheinlich somit ein Abschiedsgeschenk mit geben...Schumi ist nicht gerade der fairster Fahrer,,,man denke zurück an Istanbul...man muss eben ein Schwein sein auf dieser Welt um etwas erreichen zu können...Schumi wenn du die F1 gewinnen solltest, brauchste darauf nicht Stolz zu sein...wahr kein ehrlicher Sieg...
12 September, 14:34; Yin Kaihua, China
Althought you leave F1, we will remember you forever.
You are hero,Michael
12 September, 14:31; Klaus, Germany
Michael, please stay in Swizerland and feed the horses.
12 September, 14:31; PANAMAS, RUSSIA
12 September, 14:28; I will always love you, China
I want you stay F1.
I will always love you.
But I know,
I know you'll go.
I'll think of you every step of the way.

I will always love you !
I will always love you!
You, my darling you!
Bitter sweet memories.
That is all I'm taking with me.

I don't want to say goodbye,
But I know that you have already made the decision,
I know you'll go.
I hope life treats you kind.
And I hope you have all you dreamed off.
And I wish to you joy and happiness.
but above all this i wish to you love
and i will always love you
i will always love you
12 September, 14:26; You are my Hero, China
I want you stay F1.
I will always love you.
But I know,
I know you'll go.
I'll think of you every step of the way.

I will always love you !
I will always love you!
You, my darling you!
Bitter sweet memories.
That is all I'm taking with me.

I don't want to say goodbye,
But I know that you have already made the decision,
I know you'll go.
I hope life treats you kind.
And I hope you have all you dreamed off.
And I wish to you joy and happiness.
but above all this i wish to you love
and i will always love you
i will always love you
12 September, 14:24; nico, italia
alonsooooo........ DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 September, 14:21; Ludmila Shishkova, Russia
You are the ferst! We love you, Mikhael! Stay please in the racing!
12 September, 14:20; Erik Jan, the Netherlands
Please stay in F1 :\
12 September, 14:19; Gwen, Nouméa
Je t adorre ;j ai envie de t onculer.

12 September, 14:17; Brault loic, nouméa
Schum, l homme qui a peur de faire LE MANS ....

L homme (ou la gonzesse) qui a peur d affronter Kimi Raikonnen.
12 September, 14:17; Lilith, España
Shummi, your are the best, please don't leave the F1... :'(

Jodete niño sin cuello!!!!
12 September, 14:14; bRAULT lOIC, nEW CALEDONIA
MONACO 2006.....04......02.....00......99......98.....

ect ect ect ect ect ect ect

Hill 1994


T es pas un MEC,t es un trou de cul!!!fils .
12 September, 14:13; Juan R., Spain
You are the best, Kaiser Forever
12 September, 14:09; Nui, Turkey
Schumi, youre the best, you have always been the best :)
No one can take your place in F1 history, please don't leave us, we will always keep supporting you FOREVER..
12 September, 14:05; F1Planet.ru, Russia
You have taken a brave decision and I respect you for that. But in my opinion you are still capable to achive much more. I hope you will not regret about your decision to leave F1.
12 September, 14:05; sepp, Germany
Schumi bleibt der beste....danke für die schöne zeit...
Briatore/Renault und Herr Alonso sind in Monza schlechte Verlierer gewesen und werden es immer bleiben.
du bist halt besser als Alonso...
12 September, 14:02; yiwen deng, china
i love sumi!!!!
12 September, 14:00; Miha, Romania
This 1,1 guy has an obsetion. If he is an Alono fan it isn't the right place for him. It would be better for him to consult a doctor.
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