Showing 50 out of 27,119 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,067
12 September, 13:55;
Enis, Macedonia
We wont watch F1 ever again,we will miss you very much you are legend and always king in our heartsFOREVER SCHUMI!!!!!!!!!
12 September, 13:53;
12 September, 13:49;
chenli, CHINA
I'm a student.I like you very much
12 September, 13:46;
Ruwen Yu, China Shanghai
Michael, you are always number one in my heart...I will miss you and I will tell my children: When your farther was a young boy, there is a greatest F1 racing driver is your farther love, he's name is Michael Schumacher
12 September, 13:44;
Kamilla, Russia
YOU are the best, not fernando alonso!!!!!!!!!!! You will be champion!!!!! Good luck!!!!!! All Russia love you! You are our hero! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!
12 September, 13:44;
sammi, china
只希望能继续在F1的赛场上看到你的勇往直 前,那怕只是一年!你是我成长中重要的一部 分,你的离开,可能让我无法在继续观看F1 的比赛,因为没有你F1不是完美的!你是我 心目中的英雄!我爱F1,但是我更爱舒马赫 !~
12 September, 13:34;
Miha, Slovenia
It´s really nonsense here with this "1,1 guy" and others typing just something. If you do not agree or support Michael you should not be here at all! Go and support some other Alonso based forum. FORZA SCHUMI - WE WILL ALWAYS MISS U!
12 September, 13:34;
Always NO。1 in my heart.From china fans. 中国!
12 September, 13:21;
Max Mosley, Uk
The money's been received. The championship's yours. So long!PS if you want to set up Team Schumacher Audi we'll be happy to take your £32m deposit off you then too! :-)
12 September, 13:18;
Dan Turner, Britain
HahahahahahahahahahahahahaYesssssssssssssssssss! See ya! :-)
12 September, 13:18;
Mathias, Langenfeld/Rhld.
Alonso hat einen Knall !!!Schumi ist der beste und fairste Sportsmann aller Zeiten ! Danke für alles !!!!! Mathias
12 September, 13:15;
Marco, Germany
Schumi schau mal wie eingebildet der Alonso schon ist!!!!!!!!! Des is ein echter Fisch!! Schnapp ihm den Titel weg..er hat ihn nicht verdient!!!
12 September, 13:14;
cristea andreea, romania
When you win you make our days beautiful.Thank you.You are the best.We will miss you very much.We wont wach F1 ever again.
12 September, 13:11;
zoom, germany
Please stay and don't leave us. The formula 1 is nothing without you.FORZA Ferrari !!
12 September, 13:07;
Leslie C.Y. Tang, Malaysia
Jacques Villeneuve is the most dirtiest driver ever in F1 history. He never feel shame of himself, always jealous & keep blaming Schumi. If he think he is better than Schumi, why he had been terminated by BMW Sauber team??? So Jacques, just keep your mouth shut!!! The world will miss & remember Schumi forever! You should learn from the greatest & the legendary of F1... MICHAEL SCHUMACHER
12 September, 13:06;
Mark, France-Italy
Schumi, stay with us, in Ferrari! Nobody will be best than you in F1 We will miss you.. KAISER SCHUMI forever!
12 September, 13:03;
sebastien, France
The only I say is that I'm greatly moved during each race you drive. For me you will stay the number one and the greatest one. Thank you for all these emotions Michael! I wish you to have fun with your family but you shouldn't forget that Formula 1 will miss you!Signed: one of the greatest schumi fan all around the world.
12 September, 12:57;
Nick Schumacher, RUSSIA
SCHUMI - FOREVER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Michael - You are THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 time's Champion will be very very soon! You are the KING, no not King, BARON F1 RED BARON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MSC ! ! ! ! ! ! !
12 September, 12:50;
Tíša, Czech Republic
Stay please ;-)
12 September, 12:47;
vikibinbin, China
You're the best !!!You're the greastest !!! We need you so much !!! We'll always love you !!! Come back,please,Schumi !!!
12 September, 12:45;
郭家炳, 中国
Lut Memery 依依惜别
12 September, 12:43;
Marko Materazzi, Italy
Give me your T-Shirt, please!
12 September, 12:42;
Formulacka, Czech republic
people please vote here ...www.f1racingawards.com ...our team and our God must be the first...
12 September, 12:39;
Piton, Russia
Michael, please, come back and stay! You are the best!!! It will be hard to see this without my favourite driver! P.S. Алонса - сасать, Миша - зебэстнах!
12 September, 12:33;
Дима Булыкин, Russia
Михаэль, приезжай к нам! Я тебя научу играть в футбол!
12 September, 12:32;
Marco, Germany
F1 is so boring without MICHAEL SCHUMACHER!!!WE ALL WANT JUST U!!!
12 September, 12:31;
潘文婷, 中国
12 September, 12:29;
Henrietta, Deutschland
Michael du bist bester Fahrer aller Zeiten!!!Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie alles, alles Gute! Momentan will ich nur, dass du den 8 Titel holst. Viel Glück, lieber Michael!!!!!!!!
12 September, 12:29;
Oleg, Russia
Show must go on... But it will be another show... Not for me. Michael, thank you for all! You are the best!!!
12 September, 12:28;
michael, home of our champion
michael, zeigs diesem a*loch von alonso und briatore. you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 September, 12:25;
zhang, China
12 September, 12:24;
Toni, China
Stay with us Please,we need you to make more record!
12 September, 12:15;
Ianthe, Taiwan
Shumi, no matter what kind of decision you've made, I'll support you forever. Good Luck!!!!
12 September, 12:14;
Robert, Czech rep.
I was now in Monza. It was his last GP in Europe. Thank you Michael. You are the best!!! Please stay.I want not Kimi in Ferrari.
12 September, 12:13;
Rayn Young, China
You're the winner 4ever!
12 September, 12:12;
Rita, Latvia
You're the best!
12 September, 12:08;
Francois Schutte, South Africa
We where all hoping for one more year in F1. F1 will never be the same. It will be great seeing you in another role at F1 as they need people like yourself. Thank you for hours of enjoyment. We will surely miss you !!!!!!
12 September, 12:05;
肖梵, 中国
你走了好多人都伤心了 希望你在我们国家的上海站可以超过阿隆索的 积分 在以后的三站比赛中取的胜利 夺到第八次车王
12 September, 12:03;
giovani, italy
schümi ist ein betrüger und ein h*rensohn!! und die fia leckt im den *rsch ich bin italiener und has** ferrari warum??? ganz einfach "schumi" es gab noch nie eine faire aktion von im nur scheis** !!!!!!!! schumi stirb du arsc**gesicht !!! va fancul* schumi filio... un caz** sei!!!!! und die fia sind doch auch ärsc**F1 is not more sport!!!!!!!!! *** FORZA ALONSO FORZA RENAULT !!!! warum ich auf deutsch schreibe damit du schumi alles genau verstehst !!!!! nich wie bei der f1 wo du keine ahnung hast !!!! i sh*Ton schumi and his famely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 September, 12:03;
pearl . peng, china
I am sure that no one can beat you!you are the best .You do have the passion and capacity to fight with anyone in your field.Please come back, we all expect your coming.
12 September, 12:01;
Ren Xia, China
you are the best!
12 September, 11:58;
neng chow, China
please please stay in f1, stay with us!!!!!
12 September, 11:57;
anyta, romania
you are the best!!!!thank you for so many precious moments...4ever MICHAEL SCHUMACHER!!!!!!
12 September, 11:57;
Lu Chang, China
Michael, I am a college student in China.I have got the ticket of the match in Shanghai! I wanna see you in the match,but I hope it is not the last time that we can see you in the F1 Game! Please please stay in F 1!! 留下来吧!舒马赫!!
12 September, 11:44;
Michael Schumacher, Deutschland
Erstmal ein Hallo und ein riesen dankeschön an alle die an mich glauben!!! Ich hätte nie im Leben gedacht das so viele eine message hinterlassen würden EINFACH SUPER...!!!Aber der moment ist gekommen... Und es geht au ohne mich weiter...!!!!! GRüSSE MICHAEL "schumi" VIVA ALONSO,GO KIMI,FORCA MASSA, E VAI FERRARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 September, 11:40;
daniel contiu, romania
Mare pacat. Nimik nu va mai fi la fel in F1 fara Shumi. Nu pleca, ramai inca un sezon!!!
12 September, 11:40;
Seth Gecko, Ukraine
Schumi...come back!!!!!!
12 September, 11:39;
Moderator, web
To Briatore & Alonso:Stop flooding in here or I will kick you out and delete all your messages!
12 September, 11:37;
chenye, china
i will suport you forever!!!
12 September, 11:37;
wangshenning, china
you are the best!Pages: First «
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Michael, We believe, you will read all the messages, and we are hopefully waiting for your answer
(+373) 69107551
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(+373) 69107551