Showing 50 out of 27,121 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,069
12 September, 11:37; chenye, china
i will suport you forever!!!
12 September, 11:37; wangshenning, china
you are the best!
12 September, 11:35; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Okey! I will write in English
12 September, 11:34; Vlad, Russia
Наконец то свалил, гусный тип! без тебя будет чище воздух!
12 September, 11:33; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
PS I cant speak Russian i can only speak English
12 September, 11:31; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Goodbye Falvio, goodbye my dear Schumacher. good luck Schumi
12 September, 11:30; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
I promise. I hope to find friend in you!!!
12 September, 11:26; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Okay then. Promise to write to me!
12 September, 11:25; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
promise send letter for me tomorrow Fernando!
12 September, 11:24; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Okey. You read letter tomorrow. Okey?
12 September, 11:21; Alonso, Spain
SHumi!!! You are my hero!!!!
12 September, 11:19; Fernando Alonso, Renault
Hurry up I am about to get off internet in 15mins. If I am not there I will replay tomorro
12 September, 11:18; ron D, Slovakia
please, don´t stop yourself...
just leave...
thanx... bye
12 September, 11:18; zac_i_e, turkey
schumi bye bye.. evertime you are in my mind
12 September, 11:17; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
I send letter for you in thirty minutes Fernando
12 September, 11:17; Christine Yu, China
You are my hero. Whatever you do ,I'll always support you.
Please don't say sorry. What you have left is the most important to all of us. You'll always be in our hearts.
12 September, 11:14; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Are you sending letters or not?
12 September, 11:12; Nevin Lo, China
Schumi,just stay in F1!
12 September, 11:11; Jasmine, China
I love you, Schumi!!!
12 September, 11:07; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Send me letter at fernandalns@yahoo.au
12 September, 11:07; Seth Gecko, Ukraine
I shall render service intimate character for material compensation
Ukraine, Kiev...
8(067)937-6656 ( Seth )
12 September, 11:06; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
When you send letter for me?
12 September, 11:05; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
12 September, 11:03; pex, luxembourg
good bye asshold Schumi and never come back again
12 September, 11:01; melih mutlu, turkey
every thing is perfect thanks schumi
12 September, 11:00; Fernando alonso, Renault Garage
Give me yours and I will send email to you coz my email is high security.
12 September, 10:57; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Fernando give me your e-mail
12 September, 10:56; Renee, New Zealand
Good luck 4ever my dearest Schuey
12 September, 10:56; Engin, Türkiye
the real champion....
please stay in f1..
12 September, 10:54; Seth Gecko, Ukraine
The guy will get acquainted with the girl...
I'm from Ukraine, Kiev
Age - 23
ICQ - 164607925
I'll be waiting for you!!
12 September, 10:54; Aditya, India
Please STAY Schumi!!!!!!!

Dont go !!!!!!!!!!!

We all will miss you :(..
12 September, 10:53; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
Told you that I am a Spainiard coz i am the real Fernando Alonso. I dont think the real flavio Briatore speaks russian. Schumi is the best driver ever! but I believe I am better than Kimi Raikkonen, and that's why Macca chose me.
12 September, 10:48; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Alonso yes I do. Schumi is your favourite driver
12 September, 10:46; wiXXer, albanien
gott sei dank hörstdu auf....du hastes sowieso nitdrauf!!!!
12 September, 10:44; Fernando, Renault Garage
What are you on about?
Do you?
I suppose you speak German to communicate with your favourite Schumacher.
PS i am Spainiard I am Alonso
12 September, 10:43; Angelika, Kleve, Germany
Guten Morgen an alle Fans. Guten Morgen Michael, fallsDu diese Seiten zu lesen bekommst. Jeden Tag immer wieder muss ich auf diese Seite gehen, zeitenmäßig klappts oft nicht aber es ist wie ein Zwang. Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben, dass Du nur noch 3 Rennen dabei bist. Klar, Du möchtest mehr Zeit mit Deiner Familie verbringen und wirst ja auch etwas älter. Aber Du bist für mich, als virusinfizierter Schumi-Fan absolut der Beste. Wirst es immer bleiben. Dir wird keiner das Wasser reichen können. Deine Freudensprünge auf dem Podium, Deine Bissigkeit bei den Rennen, Deine fahrerischen Künste - einsame Weltklasse. Ich könnt heulen wenn ich weiter darüber nachdenke.Und ich bin doch schon an die 50 . Aber Schumi-Fan sein, hat nichts mit dem Alter zu tun. Lieber Michael, ich frage mich, ist es wirklich aus vollem Herzen, Dein Rücktritt? Werde glücklich mit Deiner sympathischen Corinna und den Kindern. Ich liebe Dich als Dein Fan - auf ewig - Angelika
12 September, 10:43; Alonso, Spain
Shumi!!! Please, Don't leave Formula-1!!!!
12 September, 10:42; General, Ukraina
Останься!!! Без тебя формула станет скучной и безсмысленной! Ну что тебе стоит.....
12 September, 10:41; V.Miralles, Spain
Vete de una puta vez con tus amiguitos de la maFIA.Que eres un puto guarro de mierda que nunca deberia haber llegado a la f1.Solamente ha tenido la suerte de tener siempre el mejor coche,porque ya vemos que con el f2005,caquita de la vaquita.Eso,y el don de ser el hombre mas hijo de puta y mas guarro de toda la f1.Y que nadie piense que lo odio,porque,yo,admiro su capacidad para joder a los demas.Ademas,fijate tu,que a la maFIA el tiro le va a salir por la culata porque mucha sancion y tanta mierda para ayudar a Michael,pero,mira como Fernando le aguanta y vuelve al podio y hace todo lo que este en sus manos.Por eso,vete,y nunca,absolutamente,nunca,vuelvas a este "deporte" que ni es deporte ni es nada.
12 September, 10:40; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Alonso do you speak russian?
12 September, 10:39; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Alonso do you sreak russian?
12 September, 10:36; Miha, Slovenia
A big thank-you Michael! We watched your every race , from the beginning we liked you so much, with your determination and courage you made joy for us. You helped Benetton & Ferrari, you were never down and out. I am really sorry that you have to go, but I am looking forward seeing you anywhere on TV soon after F1. FORZA SCHUMI UR THE BEST!
12 September, 10:33; Fernando Alonso, Renault Garage
I don't hate you but you never had pity on me. I know that Schu is the greatest champion in your heart. And you are a bad play boy.
12 September, 10:32; guntis, Latvia
please stay in f1 more than one year do it for us don't leave f1 it's so beautiful when you won I'm your biggest fan plese stay in f1 do it four us and i now you whenther or no you have to stay in f1
12 September, 10:31; Саша, Chisinau, Moldova
За что я ценю Шумахера, так это за то, что он давал чувство уверенности в победе в Гран-При, даже если и стартовал с последнего места. У меня всегда было ощущение, что Шум сверх-пилот, что с любыми неприятностями в гонке можно было справиться, штампуя феноменально быстрые круги.

Вспомните хотя бы Спа '95, Монреаль '98, Будапешт '98, Имолу '99, в конце концов Монцу 2004! Какие гонки! И это лишь малая часть того зрелища, которое Михаэль подарил всей Формуле 1!

Время не остановить и когда-то это день должен был наступить. Как бы грустно это ни было, но это надо принять и оставить в памяти все эти годы.

Лично я смотрю Ф-1 с 1996 года и для меня это не просто 11 лет жизни, а гораздо большее. Словами не опишешь, это нужно чувствовать.

Шумахер уходит, для меня начинается новая эра в истории Ф-1 и новая страница жизни, как большого любителя Гран-При.
12 September, 10:31; Fernando Alonso, Spain
Gut das er weg ist, jetzt hab ich auch mal ne Chance!
12 September, 10:31; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Schumi do not hear stupid Fernando!!! You are the best!!!!!!
12 September, 10:29; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
Alonso you really hate me? You very very bad boy
12 September, 10:27; Flavio Briatore, Renault Garage
12 September, 10:25; morningsnow, china
Schumi~~you are the most brilliant wherever you are~~i just want to tell you ,we will stand by you ,and learning to understand you.maybe next year,you will far from the racing,but there is no doubt that the respect to a 8th champion is endless~~~good luck ,you will surely win the season
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