Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
11 September, 12:47; bahar, cyprus
schumi is the best. i m so sorry.=(i'll not forget u all over my life schumi. U r my best u r everyone's best. Love u so much. you're from my childhood and always u'll stay your place schumi. you gave up F1 but we never give up u. Always love u and never forget u. You r my chapion and always been my champion.
11 September, 12:46; Fathi, Syria
Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls stay in the game coz it worth nothing without you
i believe that i'm very lucky i was born in your time and watched all your races so please don't let the dream end
11 September, 12:43; Givlio, Italia
resta in questo fantastico mondo!!
non pu cadere un mito così facilmente e diffficilmente costruito..
11 September, 12:43; Radoslav Dimitrov, Bulgaria
Michael, you are everything to me. I can't imagine F1 without you! I was 5 years old when you won your first title and since then I have been crying' and celebrating with you. Thank you for everything, for the great emotions you have given me! You will always stay in our hearts'!
11 September, 12:42; yiyi, chinese
We're always try,try our best to be happy.
11 September, 12:41; Tim, Deutschland
Tja was soll man sagen mir hats echt die Sprache verschlagen. Es war gestern ein sehr trauriger moment als dein Abschied bekanntgegeben wurde. Es hat immer wahnsinnig viel Spass gemacht dir am Rennwochenende zuzuschaun. Diese Professionalität und liebe zu deinem Sport war einmalig und wird es immer bleiben. Jeden Sonntag wenn du ins Auto gestiegen bist hab ich mit Freunden vorm Fernseher gesessen und dir die Daumen gedrückt. Und das soll am ende der Saison vorbei sein?
Dadurch wird in der F1 ein ganz grosses Loch entstehen. Dein Nachfolger bei Ferrari passt meiner Meinung nicht
in die Scuderia aus einem einfachen Grund er bringt das Team nicht nach vorn er setzt sich hinters Steuer und fährt das ist alles was er macht. Du bist auf gut Deutsch einfach UNANTASTBAR!!!! Aber deine Entscheidung muss man so schwer es einem auch fällt akztptieren. Hoffe nur das man dich trotzdem öfters mal im Rennzirkus sehen wir. Für die letzten drei Rennen drücke ich dir ganz doll die Daumen und wünsche mir das du noch deinen 8Fahrertitel holst. Du wirst uns allen riesig fehlen. Aber vielleicht kommt ja noch das großartigste comback aller zeiten. Aber ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie für die Zukunft alles Liebe und Gute.

11 September, 12:39; Luca B., Italia
Ciao Michael, mi dispiace tanto che tu abbia deciso di ritirarti a fine stagione. Chi riuscirà a collaudare e mettere a punto le future monoposto F1 come hai sempre fatto tu? Hai dato e fatto tanto per la Ferrari, hai fatto riemergere il Mito Rosso! Spero da tifoso e cliente Ferrari che i tuoi successori abbiano imparato e mettano in pratica i tuoi insegnamenti. Sei il più bravo di tutti! Da cliente Ferrari ho assistito una volta a una sessione di prove a Fiorano sotto la pioggia... Che guida impeccabile... Da brivido! Ma quella volta non sono riuscito ad avere il tuo autografo... E ora che hai annunciato il tuo ritiro avrei una richesta da farti: mi mandi un autografo in originale o in e-mail? E comunque se puoi rimani in Ferrari anche se con un altro ruolo, abbiamo bisogno di te! Ci sentiamo presto e spero un giorno di incontrarti in Ferrari o da qualche altra parte! Tanti Saluti Campione! Luca B.
P.S. Ancora una cosa: cerca di vincere anche questo campionato, siamo tutti lì a spingerti verso l'ottavo titolo mondiale! Ciao Campione! Luca B.
11 September, 12:38; ömer, turkey
lütfen bizi bırakma schumi.sensiz formula 1 in hiç bir manası yok.sen en büyüksün.gercek sampiyonsun..
11 September, 12:37; Ben, China
I can't imagine a F1 GP without Michael and a F1 world without Michael will never be round. Michael, you are the everlasting king of F1 in my heart, because not only of your outstanding driving technique but also of your triumphalism and you are always keeping emulative!
I can't change your mind and I can't prevent you leaving.
Good luck, Michael!
I'll keep it in mind forever, you're the everlasting king of F1!
I am reluctant but I have to say, Goodbye!
11 September, 12:36; ömer, turkey
.please stay.ı have watched f1 since 1996 for you.you are the best champion.ı dont forgot to you.but ı am not going to watch f1..nobody dont watch you are sure..
11 September, 12:36; love schumi, cyprus
always love u schumi...
11 September, 12:35; JOHN GIBSON, SOUTH AFRICA
11 September, 12:32; Jeroen, belgium
11 September, 12:30; Fernando Alonso, Slovakia
Michael please stay.
11 September, 12:29; JOJO, China
GOOG LUCK! Schumacher
11 September, 12:28; haiky, china
what happiness become your fans!
11 September, 12:28; KC_Wang, Taiwan
Why don't you stay 1 more year, Michael ??

Make 100 wins, and give all fans a perfect memory of F1.

Please, just one year. You are still young and enegize. So.

If don't, I think I'll never watch F1 anymore.
11 September, 12:25; FANDA-CZ, CZECH
always the best pilot in F1,thank you,SCHUMI
11 September, 12:23; AR, germany
go schumi go

..go home!
11 September, 12:20; ДМ, UA
Michael - you are BEST!! Good bye. We will always love you! Good luck in the rest races
11 September, 12:19; Mrs S., uk
To those who have taken time out of their lives to write how much of a cheat, rubbish driver, good riddance etc etc, let me just ask, why bother if he's that unimportant to you? Wouldn't your time be better spent doing something other than critising someone you've never met, who's achived more in his 15yr F1 career than any of us will ever achieve in our whole lifetime.
Love or hate the guy, he has been 100% committed, dedicated, focused, how many of us can say that about ourselves.
Like it or not, there will be a massive void in F1 next year, he WILL be talked about for years to come, he HAS earned his place along side the other greats.
His actions have never been any worse than those of Sennas, the man Schumi grew up watching! What is different though, is our perception of those actions. Well, that's not Schumachers fault.
Can't we all just enjoy the fact that we've been around to witness a remarkable talent & career, one that will not be emmulated in our lifetime.
I'm so thankful to have seen him win at Monza, Nurburgring, Silverstone,Spa & Monaco. Fantastic experiences which will stay with me forever.

Goodbye, good luck & thankyou Schumi Enjoy!

You will be missed by everyone, even if they won't ever admit it!
11 September, 12:18; Marianna, Hungary
Kedves Michael!
Köszönjük a sok-sok évi versenyzésedet! Minden jót kívánunk neked a további életedben. Reméljük, új szerepkörben ugyan, de megmaradsz a Ferrarinál, és még láthatunk a Forma-1-es versenyeken is.
Te vagy a legnagyobb!
11 September, 12:17; eva, Transilvania
I'm sorry for not beeing able to watch you racing on Sunday's any more, YOU WERE THE GREATEST, but I understand you and your family wanting to have you home safe, so GOOD LUCK in the future, too. Hope to see you every now and than..........
11 September, 12:15; Fernando Alonso, Ukraine
Michael please stay. I LOVE YOU
11 September, 12:14; Simeon Ivanov, Bulgaria
Shumi 4ever!
11 September, 12:14; Liu Xi(刘曦), China
Michael,you are a hero,I kown it's hard to make a choice,No matter what choice you make,we love you forever.You are the God for me forever.
11 September, 12:13; Nikolai, Kazakstan
don't leave us please
11 September, 12:09; Hikaru, Japan
11 September, 12:07; Rikey Tang, CHINA
11 September, 12:02; Vlaďka, Czech
Please STAY!!!!!
Už nemám důvod sledovat F1!!!
11 September, 12:01; Kitsun, Shanghai,China
11 September, 12:01; Azureyz, P.R.China
Farewell Michael!King of F1!
Best wishes to you and your family!
11 September, 11:58; MC, FRANCE
Thank you Michael.
You are forever The Champion, The BEST.
Good luck Michael and your family.
We love you forever.
FORZA SCHUMI for 8 World champion Formula one.
11 September, 11:55; Alex, Scotland
Good luck. You did us proud. Happy retirement
11 September, 11:55; Vadim, Russia
Многие его любили. Многие терпеть не могли. Я всегда был против его побед, так как он соперничал с Маклареном, за которых я болею. Но Михаэль это не просто пилот Формулы 1. И даже не "просто" Чемпион (если позволите так сказать). Михаэль - это История Формулы 1, это яркая личность в Больших Гонках. Это Монументальный Человек!

И мы его не забудем!
11 September, 11:53; looking, shanghai china
You're the best !
You're the king!
11 September, 11:51; Michael, Germany
Jetzt ist es raus, Michael hört wirklich auf, der beste Fahrer der Welt hört leider auf.
DANKE, DANKE, DANKE für viele spannende Jahre in der Formel 1.
Die Sonntage werden in Zukunft nur noch grau anstatt Ferrari-Rot sein.
Alles Gute in Deinem neuen Leben!
11 September, 11:51; hardy 1984, germany
BITTE BLEIB SCHUMMI!!!!! DU bist und wirst immer der grösste bleiben !!!!!!!!!!!!! ich gucke die formel eins seit dem deine kariere begonnen hat. Es war einfach nur unglaublich geil als du damals 1994 deinen ersten titel geholt hast!!!!! Bitte bleib michalel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 September, 11:49; Aleksey, Russia
Now F1 is dead...
Good luck dear Michael!!!
11 September, 11:48; Vadim, Russia
www.f1magazin.ru, forum! We are here! And we wish Shumi best rest! :-)
11 September, 11:46; teohhwa, malaysia
schumacher......i respect u...bye bye.......2 marks ....hurry
11 September, 11:46; Kutil Tim, Czech
Držím palce a zůstaň nám v F jako No.1.
11 September, 11:45; Вадим, Россия
Dimas, чем тебе Алонсо не угодил? Ему на твои щебетания - пофик :-p
11 September, 11:45; 季嘉睿, 中国/CHINA
P.S. ALONSO - 废渣!!!
11 September, 11:45; haiky, china
向车王致敬 感谢他为f1所做的贡献
11 September, 11:40; Dimas, Ukraine
11 September, 11:40; Vinson Zhang, Shanghai, China
Michael, I love u forever. Because of you, I love that exciting game. And everytime you also give me the surprise.
I am a lucky man, I can watch your game for several years - Can watch so many amazing win in every circuit.
I will remember your game forever, remeber great Michael Schumacher.
11 September, 11:40; patrick, China
enjoy your life! just do the right thing you love! love you forever!
11 September, 11:40; Kiril, Russia
Jalko chto ty Ushel... MY BOLELI ZA TEBYA!!!!
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