Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
11 September, 04:34;
harvey, china
we are watting for u come back
11 September, 04:33;
永远的冠军,永远的第一,永远的记录,永远 的辉煌,永远的跃马,永远的红色,永远的舒 米,永远的奇迹!
11 September, 04:32;
gaoda, china,beijing
I will always love you!!
11 September, 04:31;
Qinghai Lee, China
说什么都是多余 但是我们F1的车迷永远不会忘记你 所以请再多留一年 哪怕是仅仅一年也能多带给我们一些永不忘记 的美好的回忆!!
11 September, 04:31;
Ju, China
Danke für alles, was du uns gebracht hast und bringst. Ohne Schumi ist F1 nur Autorennen.
11 September, 04:30;
YANGXiaojing, tianjin ,China
You are the KING of the F1, you are the KING in my lift!I will always love you!!~~~
11 September, 04:29;
yumi, Japan
Michael. Thank you for giving us much impression and excitement!! Thank you, Michael. I love you,forever!!
11 September, 04:26;
vivi, China, shanghai
we wil miss you forever, Schumi. And hoping you come back!
11 September, 04:22;
Lily, China
Don't goWe love you forever!!!!!!!
11 September, 04:17;
f1fans, china shanghai
Micheal I cry because you said would left, I miss you forever, you is my KING in my heart!
11 September, 04:13;
上海小斌仔, 中国
永远的舒米 永远的偶像
11 September, 04:12;
dakahee, japan
We Love You,Michael!!!!!
11 September, 04:12;
11 September, 04:10;
Ryan, China
Hoping you would be back soon to Ferarri, as the team leader after Tod's retirement. Together with Kimi, make wonders one after another~~~
11 September, 04:10;
Karen, Spain
Schumi eres el mejor.NUnca encontraremos a un piloto como tú.Ojalá nunca tuvieses q dejar este deporte,porq sin ti no será lo mismo.Gracias!!!!
11 September, 04:10;
Grace Koo, China Shanghai
Schumi for more year! Schumi forever!
11 September, 04:05;
柯良, china
11 September, 04:04;
you are the bestPlease stay in f1
11 September, 04:03;
yuyang, china
请你留下,只有你才有完美的诠释F1这个男人的 运动,所以 请你别走 ,舒米.离开了你,F1将继续,但失去光彩
11 September, 04:01;
Jacob, Australia
Shumi was always a enemy to me as i supported Kimi ever since he joined but now it has hit me how much F1 wont be F1 anymore due to the loss of the King,long live the king
11 September, 03:59;
Paul, Hong Kong / China
OK Retire your Helmet not use any more. Please give me your Schuberth Helmet for me to Go Kart racing HA HA..... YOU ARE THE BEST.........Good Bye
11 September, 03:58;
trinity, china
11 September, 03:56;
Daniel, Deutschland
Schumi,ich kann mir vorstellen wie es ist ausgebrannt und leer zu sein aber gehe erst mal auf Urlaub und dann komm wieder. Es kann doch nicht sein das Du Alonso das Feld überlässt. Du bist der Champ und wirst es immer sein.
11 September, 03:54;
chenhaoyu, shanghai china
11 September, 03:50;
赵斌, 中国
SCHUMI ,认识了你才意识到F1的精彩,才认识法拉利
11 September, 03:48;
superb job, malaysia
Good Bye Schumi !!! Sayonara !!! Wish you all the best.......
11 September, 03:46;
金鑫, 中国四川遂宁
我爱你,舒米!你是赛车界的神,你是我心中 的英雄,也是我精神的支柱,我不能想象F-1要 是没有了你会是什么个样,虽然你注定是要离 开的!强烈建议今年最后一站为舒米举行个盛 大的告别仪式!!再次说声:舒米,我爱你, 并祝福你今后的生活幸福美满!!
11 September, 03:45;
Shadow, China
no more, please stay.
11 September, 03:44;
xixi, CHINA
don't leave
11 September, 03:44;
Aviatore27, Italy
Bel colpo Campione....Prima di andartene sistema ad hoc questi sbruffoni e metti un altri tre pezzi nella tua bacheca... Rimmarai per sempre nel nostro cuore !! Good Bye Schumi.
11 September, 03:43;
Allan, PR China
11 September, 03:41;
Janet Saw, Malaysia
As much as I want to see Michael Schumacher continue in F1, I think he made the best decision. The time has come for him to leave and to spend time with his family. I'll surely miss him and for the past 10 years wherever I am I'll make sure I'm home to keep my appointment with MS! He is indeed the Greatest of them all
11 September, 03:39;
Stones, China
Please go back to Renault
11 September, 03:38;
Tomcat, China
I will watch your last racing in Shanghai. Hope you can win the champion. I will remember you for ever! Michael, you are the BEST!
11 September, 03:38;
赵虎, 中华人民共和国 PRC
你要走了,我们很舍不得。不过正象另一个Mic hael离开的时候一样,我们尊重你的选择。感
11 September, 03:35;
Moon, china
11 September, 03:33;
bread, china
schumi 我们只希望你开心 只要你开心 我们永远支持你!!!
11 September, 03:29;
Ada, 中国
舒米,不论你走到哪里,不管你有何种决定, 我都支持你!你是我心中永远的王者!
11 September, 03:29;
livia, china
Don't go,please!Stay with us!!!!!!!!!!!
11 September, 03:29;
Mizu, Japan
You are the best ,the greatest driver forever.Thank you very much. Please achive your last legend at Suzuka. We shall watch the legend. Thank you, Micael!!
11 September, 03:28;
wang, yuqing, china
你代表的速度,我们永远支持你,伟大的shumi~ ~
11 September, 03:28;
nodie, china
很遗憾,没有看蒙扎的比赛,真的会遗憾终身 。遗憾的是我
11 September, 03:28;
陈东, china
11 September, 03:26;
Vittorio, Italia
11 September, 03:26;
sakuya, japan
thank you Schumi! You are the best!
11 September, 03:23;
candy, china
shumi,please stay!you will be always on my mind! I'm very sad that you will leave us . I just wanna say "schumi,thank you! Good luck!" spupport you forever!永远爱你,谢谢你陪我这么多年!
11 September, 03:18;
Jin Liu Qing, China
Schumi,please stay with us,please I LOVE YOU!!!
11 September, 03:14;
杨超, 中华人民共和国
11 September, 03:13;
Jiyi, China
Don't go, even in any other team!Please don't go, we can't lose you any minute.
11 September, 03:12;
nao, Japan
Thank you schumi!Thank you everything!You are the champion forever in my heart. Danke Michael! Pages: First «
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