Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
10 September, 21:29;
jason, united states
thanks for the memories michael i hope you can do it and win that championship all of us will be proud of you we miss you i'm sad that you're retiring from the sport that you loved you are the greatest sportsman in the world you're the greatest driver of all time you're the best they will put a song for you is called simply the best.
10 September, 21:28;
ED, Germany
Ciao Michael you are forever the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 21:27;
Will Davies, UK
A group of F1 fans have got together to pay tribute to departing F1 legend Michael Schumacher by creating a book of thanks on the internet which will be printed off and bound and given to Michael. Fans of the multiple world champion or fans who want to say thanks can leave their messages for Michael at http://www.motorsportweek.com
10 September, 21:23;
Mikhail Kazakov, Russia
Michael you are the Great driver, Number one! Thank you for all races! Your big fan from 1992. I hope you can win and this 2006 World Championship!
10 September, 21:19;
Radoslav, Bulgaria
Michael thank you for all the moments in your cariere!!! Yo`re Number One!! I love you !!!
10 September, 21:18;
skywarrior, china
10 September, 21:18;
zdenekvobecky, Czech Republic
Michael thank you for all the moments in your cariere. Thank you for all. You will be for me the best.
10 September, 21:17;
Pawel, Poland
Thank you Michael, You are fairest!!!!!I will be allways your big fan.
10 September, 21:17;
Asher, Russian Federation
Thank you Michael for great 13 years of F-1 which you given to me... You're simply the best!Спасибо, Михаэль, за 13 лет Ф-1, которые ты мне подарил... Ты просто лучший!
10 September, 21:14;
Denis Zakharov, Russia
Михаэль! Спасибо тебе за твои выступления!Ты - лучший!!! Michael, you the best!
10 September, 21:13;
Láďa, Czech Rep.
Michael. thank you for very nice fifteen years !!!!YOU WILL STAY IN OUR HEARTS FOR EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
10 September, 21:11;
Roger, France
Thank you for all Schumi ! For you and all your family I wish you a good, happy and long life;o) P.S. I really hope that you will win the championship 2006.
10 September, 21:11;
andreIM, Czech republic
Odejít se má na vrcholu, a to bude teď, pokud vyhraješ... takže odejít bys měl, ale tahle petice je sympatická, takže tak... a Michael forever...
10 September, 21:11;
jane, england
I am so sad that I will only see you 3 more times racing. Ferrari will never be the same again. Thank you for the thrills and spills and good luck with the horse riding.
10 September, 21:10;
Patrick, Germany
Michael wir werden dich alle vermissen du bist der beste bleibst der beste!
10 September, 21:09;
david, Czech republic
Zůstaň prosím v F1 ještě nejsi tak starý:))
10 September, 21:08;
Marco, Brugherio, Italy
Semplicemente il più grande di sempre!Ed oggi a vederti primo, imprendibile e con il pugno alzato...non lo nascondo, mi sono emozionato tanto! Grazie di tutto, Michael!
10 September, 21:07;
schumigabor, Hungary
Thank You very much Michael!!!You are the number one!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 21:07;
sıla, cyprus
schumi I wish u well in everything u ll do in the future . you are the best ! ! ! forever . you are a fantastic man . noone can change this fact : MICHAEL SCHUMACHER THE WORLD'S BEST AND FASTEST RACING DRIVER . You will always be in my heart . F1 will never be the same again . watching F1 without you will take long timessss . YOU ARE A LEGEND and now that legend is gone . . .
10 September, 21:05;
desislava, bulgarien
vielleicht hast du die richtige entscheidung getroffen und wir ,deine fans, werden dich unterstützen!vielen dank für alles und weiß , dass du immer in unseren herzen sein wirst!
10 September, 21:04;
akira, china
Michael, danke schon!You're my #1 forever! You made me cry for the first time I look F1! Thank you for that splendid years you gifted me! I hope, I believe you can win this championship otherway it would be great injustice! For many years I've had a dream - to see your 100th win, unfortunately this dream won't come true! Michael, please stay with Ferrari in future - your experience will help the team remain the best! Thank you very much! Дякую, Міхаель!!!
10 September, 21:03;
ilona, Russia
Dear Michael, I very well understand that it's impossible for you to change your decision and stay, I've been your fan since 93 and I can't imagine just how Formula 1 is at all possible without you, your great commitment and dedication, your passion for winning and fighting to the very end. For that I love you and thank you for all you've done. I keep my fingers crossed for you to take this 8th title, more so as this number symbolises completion and thus would be a perfect score to stop at. Thank you again and all the very best in your life after F1.
10 September, 21:03;
Timo, Deutschland
Deutschland fühlt scih leer---Das darf doch nicht war sein! SCHUMI DU DARFST NICHT GEHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 21:02;
Dan, Czech republic
Je moc brzo na to aby odešel.
10 September, 21:01;
Alan, Poland
10 September, 21:01;
IVAN, Bratislava Slovakia
I am very very sad. I have 27 years old and I cry , It ´s heavy word for me, For me you are GOD OF F1.
10 September, 21:00;
MS#1, Italy
Thank you, you're the best ever...
10 September, 20:59;
Miso Srsen, Slovakia
thanks SCHUMI you are and will the BEST bye bye
10 September, 20:59;
kecske, hungary
You are the CHAMPION everywhere and forever. Enjoy your life and your family.
10 September, 20:59;
Flying_Dutchman, The Netherlands
10 September, 20:59;
tomas, LIOthuania
i will miss you Michael, but thank you for all good and bads moments ! M.Schumacher - Simply the Best !
10 September, 20:58;
陈冲, 中国浙江
10 September, 20:58;
Ronnie, Russia
Thank you once again for all these years!!!You've always been #1! In my hart you will stay #1...
10 September, 20:58;
Bogdan Matei, Romania
Yesterday i wrote 2 messages, hopping that they somehow will reach him and maybe change somehow his expected decision. It was not so. Today i'm sad, but proud of his profesionalism and sportiveness. He' s the greatest champion! Thank you Micheal Schumacher! You will be unforgetable... Thank you Schumi:)
10 September, 20:58;
hai wang, china
10 September, 20:55;
Roman, Russia
Today I saw the race and your message about retirement. It means the end of a great chapter in the history of F1. It's always sad when something is ending, but it's always inevitable. You are THE BEST! GOOD LUCK!
10 September, 20:55;
kecskem, hungary
You are the best forever. Thank you.
10 September, 20:55;
Przemek, Poland
Michael, danke fur alles !!!
10 September, 20:54;
Dagmar, Deutschland
Ich kann's irgendwie noch gar nicht glauben. Die ganzen letzten Wochen hab ich total verdrängt, dass Du heute sehr wahrscheinlich Deinen Rücktritt bekannt geben wirst. Jetzt ist es passiert und ich bin echt am Boden zerstört. Klar, ich verstehe Deine Entscheidung voll und ganz, aber als Fan ist es ganz schön bitter. Ich hoffe, dass wir Dich weiterhin ab und an im Fernsehen zu sehen bekommen. Ich bewundere Dich so sehr, wie ich noch keinen anderern bewundert habe. Ich habe immer zu Dir gehalten und Dich bei Freunden verteidigt (ich hab es sogar geschafft, dass Dich einige meiner Freunde mittlerweile auch Fans von Dir geworden sind, obwohl sie zuerst fast kein gutes Haar an Dir gelassen haben). Du bist sowohl sportlich als auch menschlich etwas sehr sehr außergewöhnliches. Momentan bin ich am Überlegen, mit wem ich nächstes Jahr mitfiebern soll. Aber es wird einfach nicht mehr so genial und mit solchen emotionalen Momenten werden... Jetzt wirst Du aber erstmal in den letzten 3 Rennen dem Fernando zeigen, wer der beste Fahrer aller Zeiten ist und den WM-Titel zurückerobern. Für Deine Zukunft wünsch ich Dir alles Gute, genieß die Zeit und Ruhe mit Deiner wundervollen Familie. DANKE für all die schönen Momente, die Du uns Fans geschenkt hast.
10 September, 20:53;
Vlado, Slovakia
What did you did??? Why?? Why?? Who is Raikkonen? Number 0 is good for him...but not in Ferrari!! Im disappointed,,, New hero is Felipe.
10 September, 20:53;
linda barker, england
hoped you would stay you will leave a great void as i have enjoyed every moment of your career. may you enjoy your retirement as you have shown the world that you are a true champion in your own right.best wishes for the future linda barker england.
10 September, 20:53;
VILSON, Montenegro
Michael, I love you like my family. I was, I am and will be your fan!You gonna be in my geart, in my mind, FOREVER!!!
10 September, 20:51;
Kathie Shenton, United Kingdom
Micheal I am sop sorry that you have decided to retire from F1 racing, I will miss you so very much. But I wish you well in whatever you decide to do hopefully something with in F1 cos you are the best.
10 September, 20:49;
juhász istván, ungarn
10 September, 20:49;
eve Yao, shanghai,china
I can't say goodbye to you .You are still my king and forever. You have the decision, so i try to accept it. However, my only wish is that you have a lifetime of perfect felicity. 我放手让你走,但是,请你一定要幸福。
10 September, 20:47;
Yvonne, Austria
Dear Schumacher!Since I'm 8 years old, I watch Formula-1. You are the reason why I'm always looking F1. Now you go, You reach everything in this sport. And you are an fantastic person. It will never be the same for me. Everbody will miss you. I hope you now how much do you mean for us. I'll miss you soooooooo much and I'm very sad, that you leave us now. But I wish you a fantastic future with your family and mabye in the fomula 1 life. I love you too!! Many greets from your biggest fan in Austria Yours Yvonne
10 September, 20:46;
Jack, Germany
Hey!Schumi, du großer Meister, wir werden dich alle vermissen.O wie werden wir deine Siegessprünge auf dem Podium vermissen. Und wer dirigiert denn ab heut die italienische Hymne. Ich hoffe du bleibst und dennoch erhalten, indem du ab und zu mal mit Niki Lauda und Florian König über die F1 diskutierst. Wir lieben dich alle.
10 September, 20:44;
Massimiliano [Yssam2002], Italy - Carrara - MS
Sei e continuerai ad essere un mito!!!!!!!!!!!!Grandissimo Schumi, grazie di tutto!!!! CIao!!!!!
10 September, 20:44;
Vlada, Czech
Thank you Michael!!!! You are the best driver forever!!!! I love you
10 September, 20:44;
Roman, Russia
Я болел за тебя 14 лет, ты доставил массу счастливых минут своим болельщикам. Огромное спасибо тебе за это! Что я сейчас чувствую словами не передать, на душе стало пусто. :( Желаю выиграть тебе этот чемпионат, ты это заслужил. Pages: First «
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