Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
10 September, 20:03;
Tatiana, Russia
We will always LOVE YOU!
10 September, 20:03;
Liu, Shanghai, China
Good Luck, Schumi.
10 September, 20:01;
Juan Alfaro, Santiago, Chile
Thanks Michael for all these wonderful years and for all that you have given to the world of Formula 1. To the best pilot ever, SALUD!!!
10 September, 20:00;
Veronika, Czech Republic
Schumi, you´re the best driver of Formula 1 on the world. Please, please, please, please think better of your resolution! You will miss us! Please, please, please, please, please don´t leave us! Please!!!! Please you, steal a march on them and stay in F1!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!!!!
10 September, 19:59;
愁馬, japan
長い間お疲れ様でした。まだまだ走ってる姿は見たいですが・・・・ 。
10 September, 19:58;
Michael Mayer, Sweden
Michael I respect your decision and I will forever miss you from the sport, it will never be the same again. I wish you good luck with your future and wish you all my best
10 September, 19:57;
Filip Tóth, Czech
Prosím zůstaň u F1. Fandím ti už od začátku. A bylo by mě líto aby vyhrával F1 nějaký podělaný Alonso. Dík a prosím zůstaň
10 September, 19:54;
Michael Schumacher, Monza, Italy
Very thanks to all of you. You have been the best supporters I have ever known.But I have to go. Sorry. I hope you 'd enjoyed those wonderful years.
10 September, 19:54;
radek, czech
prosím tě zůstan u F1 sy super nikdo na tebe nemá, nebo chceš aby místo tebe byl alonso to snat néééééééé.
10 September, 19:52;
Jens, Deutschland
Danke MIchael für die schönen jahre!ich habe deine fahrkünste gerne jeden 2. sonntag bewundert!ich weiß nicht wie die f1 ohne dich sein wird und ob ich sie dann noch so ausgiebig sehen werde!erfülle allen deinen fans noch einen letzten wunsch und werde weltmeister vor alonso, dann werden wir dich für immer lieben,bye und viel glück in der zukunft!
10 September, 19:52;
Will Davies, UK
A book of thanks to Michael Schumacher has been created at http://www.motorsportweek.com Please all Schumacher fans sign
10 September, 19:52;
Christoph, Deutschland
Danke Michael, für diese 16 Jahre. Der F1 geht das stärkste Pferd verloren, du bist die Formel 1.2007 gewinnst du Le Mans!!!
10 September, 19:51;
Bernd, Netherlands
It is a sad day that schumacher will leave formule one. I think formule one will not be as exciting as it is now. He is the best driver.
10 September, 19:51;
BLR, India
There is no doubt who the greatest ever driver is in F1. We want to celebrate that with an 8th Championship Win for Schumi.But F1's not the same without Schumi....its sad that he is leaving F1 at the end of the season....It would be difficult to watch F1 from now on for me....
10 September, 19:50;
alex, italia
schumi nn andare via resta un'altro anno perche' la ferrari senza di te nn e piu' un bolide
10 September, 19:50;
邬静秋, 中国
10 September, 19:49;
Kim K, Germany
Es ist vorbei bei bei bei.......................Mit dir geht ein wirklich großer Star und ich bin tot traurig das du gehst, doch wirst du schon deine Gründe haben. Ich werde diesen Tag als Trauertag in meinen Kalender schreiben und werde die letzten drei Rennen noch genießen. ICh wünsche dir alles alles gut für deine Zukunft und noch mal super Rennen heute. Du bleibst im Herzen in der Hoffnung dich in 2 Jahren wieder in der F1 zuhaben...... YOU ARE THE CHAMPION MY FRIEND AND YOU KEEP THE TITEL IN THE END YOU ARE THE CHAMPION.................... We love you Schumi
10 September, 19:48;
GaoLei, chnia
you are our king!
10 September, 19:47;
Santa, Latvia
It is so sad because Schumacher will go away. I will miss him. I always liked him so much. He is really alive legend.Mihael, man tevis vienmeer pietruuks. Tu biji lielisks pilots.
10 September, 19:47;
rene ulcik, czech
i will quit watching f1 unless.......... you stay
10 September, 19:47;
Frank, Czech
Please stay!!!!! You is best driver!!
10 September, 19:46;
dirk, belgium
we will miss you michael !!your are the best, take your 8th title
10 September, 19:46;
Gerd, Deutschland
Michael Schumacher du bist der beste Formel1 Fahrer auf der ganzen Welt!!!! Die Formel 1 wird nie wieder so sein wie es mal mit dir war!!! Erfülle uns Fans wenigsten noch unseren letzten wunsch vor Karriere ende!!!!!Werd bitte Formula1 Champion 2006!!!!!
10 September, 19:45;
schumy non lasciare ti prego ho gioito ho pianto conte quando vincevi quando hai conbattuto le tue battaglie sei il mio idolo..... l'anima è con te si siede accanto a te forse un lupo lo sa che fra un centinaio di anni, l'anima scomparirà ma di sicuro ci sarà che l'anima con te per sempre resterà......
10 September, 19:44;
Yuri, Moldova
F1 - the best in 1993-2006 Thank You Michael
10 September, 19:43;
Mohamed Sayed, Egypt
10 September, 19:43;
Congjun Jin, China
don't leave us please!
10 September, 19:41;
Aleksey Naboka, R
Не уходи! Найди возможность остаться!
10 September, 19:41;
avohaeJ, Russia
good bye Shummi,,,,but before u have to get ur 8th champ...we'll miss u man...
10 September, 19:40;
Tom Debacker, Belgium
Go for the 8th world title schummi , we will love you forever!!Thanks for everything .
10 September, 19:39;
claudia, BG ITALY
10 September, 19:37;
Shujin Huang, China
I managed when I graduate from High School,I will see you in Shanghai.I managed you can stay for us , your fans! But...Finally know you will leave. I believe you will leave with the championship of this year!
10 September, 19:36;
zhang ji, China
please stay!!!!!you is our god!! i love you!!I LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!
10 September, 19:35;
skywarrior, china
10 September, 19:35;
Robert, England
I don't know what to say. While knowing this day was going to come eventually, it is still a shock when it eventually happens.After 7 world titles, 90 (and counting) wins, over 65 poles and just as many controversies, it's all going to end in Brazil. Kimi is a great driver, but he will never achieve Michael's legendary status. It would have been interesting to see both of them together at Ferrari in '07, but I guess it was never meant to be. Goodbye Schumi. If all of these messages begging you not to retire don't work, then nothing will. There will never be another driver like you, not even if f1 continues for another 100 years!! Farewell, and let's finish it with three more wins, world title number eight, and that b*****d Alonso crying into his paella!! Schumi forever! We will never forget you! PS Please come back into f1 in another role! Please!
10 September, 19:34;
Anna, Deutschland
Nun ist es also doch soweit. Glauben mag ich es nicht. F1 ohne Michael Schumacher??? Kann nicht sein. Für mich bist Du der BESTE Fahrer aller Zeiten und niemand wird je besser sein!!!!! Hol Dir noch den 8.Titel und Du bist ein ewiger Champion. Viel Glück in der Zukunft!!! Bin traurig.
10 September, 19:34;
Veronica, Czech Republic
Michael, I hated you before..Now I know you´re great people, you´re great driver. Please win for us, for your fans!!!!! I´m sad..you won´t stay in F1.
10 September, 19:33;
ChenGuang, China
Please stay in F1!
10 September, 19:32;
Huey, Malaysia
Michael please please please stay in F1. You are the most brilliant F1 racer, the best, the greatest. We love you!!!
10 September, 19:31;
naveen, india
schumi dont retire
10 September, 19:30;
Janáč Jaroslav, czech republic
The best thing is to go away at the top
10 September, 19:27;
medve33, Hungary
Michael Schumacher the best F1 driver!!!!!!!!!!!FORZA SCHUMI,FORZA FERRARI!!! Thank you for everything you do , we will remember you forever
10 September, 19:26;
Stefan, Croatia
Thank you Michael for great 11 years!I really cryed today when you said that you're gonna leave Formula 1 forever.You're a special person,I really love you and admire you.I will always stay your fan,don't you forget that!Good luck!
10 September, 19:25;
cimit, China
10 September, 19:25;
Michael Sourakiy, RUSSIA
Fun, ruefully, sadly.Good luck. And WIN for all of us your 8 championship! Весело, печально, грустно. Удачи! И выиграй для всех нас 8-й чемпионат!
10 September, 19:24;
ahmed, egypt
no michael no
10 September, 19:24;
love-ms, china
shumi~你是最棒的,虽然你要走了,但我永远会 记着你的,I LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!
10 September, 19:24;
katik, Czech
Hi Michael.Please stay in F1. You are my favorite.You are one.
10 September, 19:23;
Sava, Russia
Michael, i love you!:)))
10 September, 19:23;
Jean-Yves, FRANCE
Michael, I don't really know what to say it, but you really are the only driver who deserves to win. I won't ever watch Formula 1 with the same passion without you. You are the only reason why I watch F1 practice sessions, qualifying sessions and races. I went to Magny-Cours this year and I was very pleased with your hat-trick. You cannot know how much I will miss you, but I understand... Kimi is a good driver, but I'm sure he will never replace you in your fans' spirit, because you cannot be replaced with anyone in my heart. I am disappointed because you will never get a 100th GP win. Schade... Anyway, kiss Corinna, Gina Maria, Mick and the whole Ferrari family for me, and please don't leave us without an 8th title and a 93rd victory!!! To me, you will always be the only real Weltmeister ever, so please crush Alonso-chorizo (because he isn't more than an insect) ! SCHUMACHER WELTMEISTER FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!! Pages: First «
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