Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
10 September, 17:53; Natali, Russia
Micheal Schumacher > Ferrari > all

10 September, 17:52; ednaxie, changsha China
Thank you MICHAEL !!
You'll stay in my heart for ever !!
10 September, 17:52; Hakim, Germany
Michael, ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie alles, alles Gute...
Hol dir (und uns) jetzt nochmal den WM Titel,

vielen Dank für alles,
..du bist und bleibst der Beste
10 September, 17:52; Ic3g3org3, Czech republic
Thank you for everithing, you are the symbol F1.
Good luck for next 3 races. You must win the next world master titule. And Al(f)onso can't win, you are better. We Know it.
10 September, 17:51; 毛伟栋, China ShangHai
您的伟大超出了一切,您是世界上唯一一位能 够99.99%征服赛车的人。Believe your decided,nobady can change you!
10 September, 17:51; Игорь, Украина
Шуми,я очень надеялся,что ты останешься хотя бы на год!я уважаю твое решение.ты для меня все в ф1!без тебя ее не будет!я буду скучать за тобой,за красным бароном.
I hope vou would stay,but you would't! I respect your decision! I love you! F1 is finished for me,besouse f1 is YOU! I wanna say the last one.thank you!good luck! I miss you! I'm crying . . . Thank you for everything!we love you!
10 September, 17:50; 李晓峰, 中国
舒米,你真的要离开了,现在我心中充满了难 以抑制的痛苦。舒米,你陪我度过了人生中11
10 September, 17:49; Marco, Germany
Micheal Schumacher > Ferrari > all

10 September, 17:49; 刘佳, China
突然感到很难受,不会用德语,甚至连英语也 说不好,我不知道你时候能看得懂中文,but remember that we love you forever and we support whatever you do.
10 September, 17:49; 张唯 zhang wei, china hunan changsha

why are you leaving us?

do you know how we love you

you are the best of F1

I will always love you!

good bye! forever SCHUMI
I'm loving you
good bye~~
10 September, 17:49; sandraschumi, luxemburg
bin sehr sehr traurig.

Gott schütze dich, deine Frau und deine Kinder. Deine Familie. Wir lieben dich. Du bist einfach zauberhaft.
10 September, 17:49; Варвара, Россия
Миша!!! Спасибо тебе за то, что ты есть!!!
Ты лучший!!! Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо!!!
УДАЧИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
10 September, 17:49; creacy liu, China
SO love you & cannot love anyone else more!
BUT Michael ,don't leave US~~~~~~tears~~~
10 September, 17:48; Zoltan, Hungary
Michael Schumacher = FeRRaRi = Formula-1

Thank you for these years what we spent together with you. It was an extremely nice season for every Schumacher fan through the whole World. Thank you for everything! We'll miss you man!!
10 September, 17:48; Joyce Jih, Taiwan
This moment......thank you a lot, and bye bye ......Schumi.
I will miss you.
10 September, 17:48; SOFMSNG--№1, chain
你可知道我的名字的含义---SONG是我 的姓氏,FMS--法拉利迈克尔.舒马赫, 我把FMS放在我的姓氏中间,意思是:法拉 利迈克尔.舒马赫在我心中永远是№1 !!
10 September, 17:47; Katka, Czech
Nikdy na tebe nezapomenu!!!
Thank you!!!
10 September, 17:47; Jackie chang, CHINA
I VERY LOVE YOU !!!! shumi!!!
10 September, 17:46; 立夏, china
you are the best
please stay!
10 September, 17:45; 李佐, China ShangHai
Thank you Schumi,Tells you the family, we forever like you. praying for heavenly blessing your good luck. world to love you the person very many, are very many!
10 September, 17:45; 蔡雪娇, 中国
10 September, 17:45; andyczj庄庄, china中国
10 September, 17:44; dBpanos, Greece
Thank you Michael... Thank you for everything.....
10 September, 17:44; 胡人匡, 温岭 中国浙江
10 September, 17:44; c hartman, us
you broke my heart today michael. you are a legend in the truest of terms and you will always be my hero. thanks for the dreams, we all love you.
10 September, 17:44; Chen xu (陈旭), China
10 September, 17:43; dhia al din, iraq
danke..danke...schumi für ihre erfolgreich
10 September, 17:43; Ivy Zhang, China
Without you, without our F1
10 September, 17:43; sANTHOSH, Chennai,India
Thnak you for all the memories....Looking forward to see you perform in your new role!
10 September, 17:42; Alexxy, Russia
Stay plx! Michael 4ever!
10 September, 17:42; Andrea, Pescara, Italy.
Michael, resterai per sempre nel mio cuore rosso Ferrari.

Resterai per sempre l'Unico Vero Campione di F1.
10 September, 17:42; Coil, Russia
I wish you a good rest Michael!
I hope we will see you on the Grand Prix in 2008!
And remember, formula 1 is not formula 1 without you!
************************************************************ ****
Я в ауте(( хоть бери веревку и вешайся((
Как так может быть???????????
10 September, 17:42; Rayn, China
Stay in Ferrari.Stay in F1,please!
Though you will leave,you still stay in my heart forever!
10 September, 17:42; Abdul Halim Abdul Majid, Malaysia
Terima Kasihhhhhhhh!
10 September, 17:42; Linus, Taiwan
I've been watching F1 since 1994 and thanks for bring such wonderful moment in 12 years.
Thank you Schumy!
10 September, 17:42; SHA, CHINA中国
Don't leave, Michael! We need you!
10 September, 17:41; skywarrior, china
感谢你,你为F1所做的一切造就了一个全新的F 1比赛。希望你带着你的第八个总冠军骄傲地
10 September, 17:41; robert, Hungary
Thank you MICHAEL!!!! Thank you everything wich you give!
You are fantastic man! We won't forget you! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Good luck to your championship. I hope you win that.!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 17:41; daniel, italy
stay in f1, stay in FERRARI....... italian boy.
10 September, 17:41; Hunter, Russia
It's too late to say anything. The age of greatest driver is gone. You are more than just a champion. You are face of all autosport in the world. The King and The God of F1....is gone. I just can't believe... You'll be in my heart forever, Michael. Спасибо!!!!!!
10 September, 17:40; dirz, Россия
Приятного тебе отдыха, Миша! ;-)
10 September, 17:40; strejda88, Bruntál ,CZ
Schumi,tak čest
10 September, 17:40; vlada cervenka, czech republic
Bye schumi.You were best.
10 September, 17:40; Viacheslav, Ukraine
Michael, danke schon!
You're my #1 forever!
You made me cry for the first time I look F1!
Thank you for that splendid years you gifted me!
I hope, I believe you can win this championship otherway it would be great injustice!
For many years I've had a dream - to see your 100th win, unfortunately this dream won't come true!
Michael, please stay with Ferrari in future - your experience will help the team remain the best!
Thank you very much!
Дякую, Міхаель!!!
10 September, 17:40; 阿骨打, China
10 September, 17:40; Hanxu, China
10 September, 17:40; Andreas, Austia
10 September, 17:39; medve33, Hungary
Danke Michael Schumacher,!!!
Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke,
10 September, 17:39; xBUBIx, SR
Thank you MICHAEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 17:39; Анжелика, Россия
Михаэль-лучший гонщик за всю историю Формулы1. Спасибо за все. Мы любим тебя!
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