Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
10 September, 17:02;
ScΗμмīˇCC, China
I love you !~ I will always remember you You are no substitute !~ Always love you
10 September, 17:02;
snail, china
10 September, 17:02;
Wiebke, Deutschland
Es ist so schade, dass du die Formel 1 verlässt. Ich wünsche dir aber alles gute für deine Zukunft und vielleicht sieht man sich nochmal wieder. Aber wenn du gehst, dann geh mit deinem 8 Weltmeistertitel. Denn wer ist schon Alonso?
10 September, 17:02;
Christoph, Germany
schade das du aufhörst aber jeder soll das tun was er nun einmal für richtig empfindet wir werden dich nie vergessen.
10 September, 17:02;
Mick, Netherlands
You have to follow your heart and if this is it, than it's it!You will always be my hero and I hope, I really hope we can see you racing in F1 after this saison, just because you just missed it too much! We love you Michael!
10 September, 17:01;
Washa Rednecks, Czech Republic
:'-( Bez Michaela Schumachera uz nebude F1 to co byla :'-( Osobnost jeho kalibru nebude možné nahradit. Without Michael Schumacher F1 couldn't be anything which is now. MS was the GREAT personality in F1 ever! FORZA FERRARI, VIVA SCHUMI! We LOVE YOU FOREVER! YOU ARE THE CHAMPION! Good luck!
10 September, 17:00;
邹东方, 中华人民共和国
10 September, 17:00;
Jan, Czech Republik
Michael stay and Ferrari
10 September, 17:00;
Fible, DE<=>TW
Dein Legende werden immer im Formula 1s geschichte stehen. ich gucke jeden Fahr du du faefrst... und das macht trotztdem spass. bleib bitte noch im Formula 1, ich moechte nicht diese spass verlieren. Fible im Soltau
10 September, 17:00;
宋自强, PRC
Tifosi...with glory.So,Please stay with us... 荣耀的法拉利,麦克尔·舒马赫的车迷 所以,请不要走...
10 September, 17:00;
10 September, 17:00;
俞超春, 中国
You raise me up!
10 September, 16:59;
梦幻水底, 中国上海
在遥远的意大利, 有一条赛道。 这几年诞生了一个神话, 他的名字叫舒马赫。 风,追赶着你的座架。 雨,洗刷着你的战马。 蒙扎,心中的圣地风景如画。 舒马赫,生命里的太阳永不落下。 引擎的轰鸣是他在退役前的回答。 格子旗的挥舞是献给他的鲜花。 在舒马赫的旗帜下, 年轻的人们又要出发。 蒙扎,舒马赫退役的地方。 凝视的目光,无论昨天明天。 祝你好运,永远的王者——Michael Schumacher
10 September, 16:59;
10 September, 16:59;
Daniel Torregiani, Uruguay
Michael, thanks for the goods moments, I'm going to miss you..........
10 September, 16:59;
dangdang, china
你真的要离我们而去了,因为你才了解了 F1,因为爱你才爱上了F1.没有你的F1失去了太多
10 September, 16:59;
Henrietta, Russia
I love my king. I love Michael...This is wrong decision.
10 September, 16:59;
阿扁, india
10 September, 16:58;
Ernesta, Lithuania
forza Schumi! forza Ferrari! now let's kick Alonso's ass ;)
10 September, 16:58;
meitene, Latvia
PLEASE MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 16:58;
fan, ireland
Thank you for the memories Michael good luck for your future
10 September, 16:58;
Chie Yamamoto, JAPAN
I love your driving.Do you really retire yourself? I hope you will drive in next year, so I do not want to believe your retire. I do not know the driver how you show a splendid driving. But,If your retirement does not really overturn anymore, I want to give you words of thanks at least. Thank you...Thank you,Michael!! It was really pleasant and very happy that I watched your driving. Thank you for splendid time. I pray for your life in the future having much good luck.
10 September, 16:58;
侯 陆 恺, 中 国
F1 永远是属于红色的!! 迈克 加油 加油 加油
10 September, 16:58;
Mirjana, Serbia
10 September, 16:58;
你还是走了!!!我真的 不希望这是真的!!
10 September, 16:57;
Apirl, China
Schumi, You are the god of F1 forever!Waiting for you in Shanghai! And Shanghai will belong to you!!!
10 September, 16:57;
catherine, china
micheal,we need you舒马赫,你是最棒的,留下来吧,让F1世界更
10 September, 16:57;
katherine.liu, china
schumi ! i'm 16.tHis is the16th year of F1.Anyway,Thank you.i would say nothing whitout lovE you. you always my hero,never change forever. bye,F1!love u love u love u. our heart..........broke.... hehe^^this is your opinion, no one knows the future, hope your life will be great.and we will love you forever .never change. because you are my hero!!forever!!
10 September, 16:57;
HMS, Finland
You're always on my mind!Again today you drove like only you can. I am going to miss that. Now I'm just looking forward of hearing what you will be doing next--- With Ferrari, they say. with love, Forevermore!
10 September, 16:57;
Orzm, China
bless shumi, bless the "last" champion,bless his coming back,bless all shumis
10 September, 16:57;
Funferr, Czech
Děkuji Michaeli za všechno co jsi dokázal!!!Schumi forever number one!!!
10 September, 16:57;
malina, romania
Please, do not leave F1. It is not going to be the same...
10 September, 16:56;
schumiforever, china
I will never forget the days when you drive in redyou have given me so much though you have dicided to leave,I will still be with you you are the one you are the time
10 September, 16:56;
Moustache, Suisse
Michael you've picked the right time - leave when you're on top - don't wait until they say you're not able to win anymore! Strong and right decision.
10 September, 16:56;
Janice Jia, China
Schumi, Ich liebe dich so sehr!
10 September, 16:56;
Roshni, RSA
A brilliant, brilliant career, Michael ! Thank you for personifying professionalism, teamwork, champion, focus and indeed balance. Best wishes for your futre endeavours. Even off the trak, I have no dount that you will continue to be an inspiration to many. You are an outstanding rolemodel. A true Champ !
10 September, 16:56;
刘婷, China
Loving you for ever!
10 September, 16:56;
A-wei (Zhao Yongwei), 中国 (Shanghai,China)
舒米,再见了!其实早就知道会是这个结果,可当这一时刻真 的来临之时,却又依依不舍~~ 看着你的比赛伴我成长,我喜欢上了F1,报考
10 September, 16:55;
10 September, 16:55;
曹寅俊(Pang), CHINA中国
10 September, 16:55;
deme3erw, Greece
I would like you to stay 1 more year in F1,but i respect your choise.I wish the best...
10 September, 16:55;
Sergiy, Ukraine
Thank You for all !!! We will love You forever !!! Michael - God of F1 !!!
10 September, 16:55;
Tracy, England
Thank God for that!See you then... bye! p.s can't you leave now, instead of at the end of the year?
10 September, 16:55;
Szkandi, Czech republic
Schumi jsi nejlepší.
10 September, 16:55;
Russia, Russia
ты навсегда останешься в наших сердацх Михаэль Шумахер, Великий Шуми :) ты дал незабываемую эпоху. Спасибо тебе за все! Спасибо! (И не скучай на пенсии :) ) Жаль что пилоты в формуле-1 так рано уходят. 37 это предел. Но мы солидарны с твоим решением. Ты всегда знал что лучше, и значит именно теперь лучше уйти. Ты сказал пора остановится. Наверное, наверное ты стал Выше гонок и формулы-1. Ты великий чемпион.!you for ever remain in our heart Mihaeli SHumaher, Great Noises :) you gave the unforgettable epoch. Thank you you for all! Thank you! (And not VWVlongP[Д]for on pensions :) ) sting that pilots in formule-1 so early leave. 37 this limit. But we united with your decision. You always knew that better, and signifies exactly now better уйти. You has said the time stops. Probably, probably you became Above racing and formuly-1. You great chempion.!
10 September, 16:55;
Fabrizio Donati, Italy
10 September, 16:55;
tsr, belgium
schumi we gone mis you :(
10 September, 16:54;
黄海江, 中国
不敢想象,你真的要离开。。。。 我真的很伤心,迈克尔,永远爱你。。。
10 September, 16:54;
red, China
For me , F1 is nothing without you.
10 September, 16:54;
Peter, UK
F$ck Schumacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pages: First «
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