Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
10 September, 16:18; Razvan, Romania
It is a sad day indeed for all of us .......i can't say i understand your decision ,but i respect it and wish you all the best in the world....thanks for everything.....and good luck in the next 3 races
10 September, 16:18; 沈亮, 中国
10 September, 16:18; Viktor Lundvall, Sweden
Thank you for all the great memories Schumi! You're the best! Now go win this last title, we're behind you all the way!
10 September, 16:18; peter, Romania
Michael, Thank you for all this years !!
10 September, 16:17; Tangxiaoqing, China
So honourable to live with you in the same time,the same century
10 September, 16:17; Shakeel, India
WE LOST HIM :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :
10 September, 16:17; Rainy-YE, CHINA
10 September, 16:16; Jose Gabriel, Peu
Por favor quedate shumi, eres lo mejor de la formula 1
10 September, 16:16; ILYA RAZUMOV, Moscow. Russia
It`s awful. Very very sad day. I can`t even describe my feelings about Michael. I can`t fight with my tears. Good bye Michael. I`m gonna miss you very much.
10 September, 16:16; linda wang, SHANGHAI CHINA
please stay with us.....please....please.....
i can not imagine a picture of F1 without you!!!!
you have always been my super hero since the day i heard the word"F1"!!!
so please continue the miracle!!
10 September, 16:16; shaw, china
you leave at last!
leave us all!
10 September, 16:16; gnom, Russia
10 September, 16:16; Spoxs, Latvia
You are 1-st! Always 1-st! Thanks for all!!
10 September, 16:16; aaf, china
everything's gone~~!But the memory of the great moment you leave us can never be erased~~!U r the star of the stars~!
We will miss U forever!
10 September, 16:16; H.B. Feng, China
希望你能带给我们一个完美的谢幕!加油!Sch umi!你永远是我心中的hero!
10 September, 16:15; Bruce.Wen, China
Long Live Sumi, we need you in F1 forever!
10 September, 16:15; lym, china
take care,shumy
10 September, 16:15; JJ, China
SCHUMI你一定会带着八次车手总冠军完美谢幕! 没有你明年F1将黯然失色,因为你是永远的F1
10 September, 16:15; 韶光, 张
为什么要急流勇退,我不介意看你状态下滑, 何况你还丝毫没有这种迹象出来。都是阿隆索 搞的。
10 September, 16:15; Paolo, Philippines
Win the championship! For yourself. For your family. For the Scuderia. And for all of us, The Tifosi!!! Bravo Michael, its been a great ride!
10 September, 16:15; caroltseng, taiwan
Please don't go my hero..
10 September, 16:15; Damon, United Kingdom
Dear Michael

Just heard you are to retire! Well, good for you, well done for your acheivements, even if you did bend the rules to your advantage on the way! Just don't run into any Englishmen (Remember me in 94??) to get where you want first!

You were described as a "cheating N*zi b*****d" by one English journalist at the time, Just remember mate, mud sticks!

Don't suppose you will be buying a Bugatti Veyron now will you? Now that you won't be getting £25million a year!

Oh Well, perhaps F1 will get a bit more interesting now! I hope so!!!!
10 September, 16:15; menghao, China
Please stay in F1 forever!!!!
10 September, 16:14; Simon, Eifel, Germany
thank you for racing
10 September, 16:14; 陈茂圆, 中国
10 September, 16:14; George, Romania
Born to be CHAMPION! We will all miss you and you will always be the greates F1 champion ever.
10 September, 16:14; M & M, China
If you can stay in F1, I can use my life to change.
10 September, 16:14; 杜文东, CHINA
10 September, 16:14; fuller, china
Schumi ,f1 needs you to stay in! You must beat off Alonso!
10 September, 16:14; ljw, china
再见了,无论如何竟仍然留不住你,只好说,一路 保重!!
10 September, 16:13; sophiazhao, china
因为舒米我才爱上的F1,F1也因为舒米变得不同. 难以想象没有舒米的F1会是什么样?
10 September, 16:13; Jacky, China
Beacause of you ,my world becomes a F1 world ,you let me feel the real passion of the formula one.
10 September, 16:13; miss u, china
Even you've been gone.
I miss you so,
It will be forever,
10 September, 16:13; Elza, Czech Republic
Budeš mi hrozně chybět. :´(
10 September, 16:13; yuky, China
I don't know what i can say now
you've decided your future
but you won't be away
you are the symbol of F1
who can take the place of you?
we're so lucky to witness your time in F1
we'll 4ever love you
10 September, 16:13; bahar, cyprus
i'm so sorry because of this situation. schumi gave up us=( how could u do schumi? =( u are the best. always love u. U were in my past in my chilhood and u'll stay in your place through my live... =(
10 September, 16:13; Jesse, Hungary
Thank you for this beautyful 15 years! Thank you very much, Michael!

Ich wünsche dich alles Gutes!! Danke schön!
10 September, 16:13; Leif Cron, Germany
Thank You Michael and Family!!! All The Best!!!
10 September, 16:12; cy, Malaysia
michael... since this is your decision... i will support you.. hope you and your family will be happy always.... may God bless you and your family....!!!! you are the best of the best.... enjoy your life........!!!!!
10 September, 16:12; zmy, china
10 September, 16:12; daria, poznan
Michael zostań w formule prosimy prowadz naszego Kubicę choćby myślami wielkie uznanie dla Ciebie jesteś WIELKI BRAWO!!!!!!
10 September, 16:12; Ashwin B, India

You are the best !!!. I have been watching F1 for the past 8 years and I have always liked the sport cos of you. I would really miss watching you. Sportsmen best in their sports generally retire when they start performing somewhat poorly which makes them realize that it is time for them to retire. But you are REALLY DIFFERENT from all of them. You are retiring at the best of your career and I think that is a very good decision. Good Luck ,Michael...
10 September, 16:12; Brault Loic, New Caledonia
Sal Zenculé dégage ,tricheur,la HONTE DE LA F1
10 September, 16:12; Sergey, Ukraine
Ура! Он свалил из Формулы 1! Ура! Ура! Ура!!!!!!!!
10 September, 16:12; 承影, China
最不愿意到来的时刻还是到来拉 最不愿意发生的事情还是发生拉 你在赛后还是宣布你要离开 虽然这是我不想看到的但是我还是会尊重你的 选择 我会永远祝福你 我爱你 舒米
10 September, 16:12; lee, china
l love michael
10 September, 16:11; SHUMI, JAPAN
Danke, Schumi! Du hast wahre Größe bewiesen indem du den perfekten Zeitpunkt gefunden hast - Der 8. Weltmeister-Titel gehört nur dir!!!
Ohne dich verliert die Formel 1 leider ihr Gesicht. Trotzdem:
10 September, 16:11; nick, bulgaria
gonna miss you lots - f1 will not be the same again without its hero - but as your fan I guess I shouldn't be selfish - your happiness is the future, whatever you do is what matters!

You'll have your place in my heart, Forever!
10 September, 16:11; echo, china
以为你会再坚持一年的,总有这么个期盼。在 胜利的时候破碎。看F1的时间不长,一切还没
10 September, 16:11; nisen, heng
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