Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
10 September, 15:54; Dumitrica Cosmin, Romania
You are the best driver.We gone miss you please take your 8 world champions.Good luck.Miss you Schumi ,Good luck,bye .
10 September, 15:54; wangjiangwei, china
michael-please-stay-in-f1. i love you.
10 September, 15:54; emma, china
please !Don't go!
10 September, 15:54; Pnahco, Bulgaria
Whatever I say, you will not stay. You even will not read this. So I wish you good luck in your life, be happy with your family. And smack down Alonso in the last three races :)
10 September, 15:54; 袁, 李
10 September, 15:53; just like the shining sun, China
You are the best...
Let me cry.........
Idon't know what to say
10 September, 15:53; Szandra, Hungary

Schumi! You are the best!! We love you!!
10 September, 15:53; Alison Slytherin, Malysia
Please , I really hope you to stay in F1 JUST FOR A YEAR . PLS dont dissapointed me . YOU ARE ALWAYS THE BEST .
10 September, 15:53; Markus Rupp, Deutschland

Es ist sehr sehr traurig was du eben bei der Pressekonferenz gesagt hast! Ich bin in Trauer .. und Deutschland mit mir!
10 September, 15:53; Beetlejuice, United Kingdom
I am not a fan of Schumacher, in fact I was quite upset with some of the manoevres he pulled in 1994 & 1997 and even at Monaco.
But, he is still one of the greatest drivers of all time - whether I like him or not. I do respect his committment to the sport and what he's done for Formula 1.
Formula 1 has lost its most special son - even if he had some naughty streaks!
10 September, 15:53; Vilson, USA
Michael, why men? Why?

You'll be always in my heart/life!!!

I can't watch F1 without you there!!!
10 September, 15:53; 吴益, 中国
尊重你的决定,希望你能过以后的生活。永永 远远的祝福你。。。
10 September, 15:52; Josef, Czech
Michaely díky,jsi 1 škoda že odcházíš bez teba to nebude ono
10 September, 15:52; Gyury Orosz, Romania
Please stai in formula 1 michael u are the greatest driver of all times.
10 September, 15:52; zhanglu, China
10 September, 15:52; Katka, Czech Republic
Schumi stay
10 September, 15:52; Alexandr, Ukraine
Thank`s for all Shumi. Always yours Alex from Ukraine
10 September, 15:52; zhujiaxing, china
10 September, 15:52; Zhang Yin, China
Shumi: you will always in my life!
10 September, 15:52; zhaoyao, china
you are our hero!
10 September, 15:51; Natasha Matos, Brazil
Thank you Michael, Yua-re the best Pilot forever and ever!
10 September, 15:51; Daniel Lasch, Czech Republic
Ahoj Michaeli. Jsem tvůj velký fanoušek. Byl bych moc rád, kdybych tě viděl závodit v příští sezoně.
10 September, 15:51; Grinevich Dima, Russia Saint-Peterburg
YOU ARE THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PleaZZZZZZZZe STAY in F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:50; Toby, Germany
DANKE SCHUMI FÜR ALLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:50; el, CZ
Michael, nooooooooo, pls stay !!!!
10 September, 15:50; jin, china
please stay Michael
10 September, 15:50; tsr, belgium
bye schumi we gone miss you and plz take your 8 world champions schip title
10 September, 15:50; koala, CHINA
10 September, 15:49; ivenhoe, germany
So jetzt ist es klar Michael hört auf,aber er hört mit einer super laufbahn auf und vielliecht mit einem 8 ten titel

Maschs gut schumi
10 September, 15:49; Doru, romania
michael thank you for everything you did in formula one and i'm proud i got to live in the days of the biggest champion F1 has ever had... good luck with your life and win this championship for your beautifull fans.
10 September, 15:49; Vytautas M, Lithuania
10 September, 15:49; Martin, Slovakia
You are the best driver I have ever seen. And you will always be. Miss You Schumi
10 September, 15:49; Daniel, China
迈克尔,虽然你一天天在老去,但是我相信你 对F1的热情永远不会消失!我是一个F1车迷,
10 September, 15:48; Ryan McLoud, China
Schumi forever !!!
10 September, 15:48; Monica, Canada
This does not feel right!
Classy speech, but too many really sad faces.
May you find something just as exciting for the next phase in your life.
10 September, 15:48; George, Spain
One of the greatest of all the time!!!!stay if u can!!!!
if u cant , we will always remember u like the greatest champion!!!
thanks michael!!!!!!
10 September, 15:48; Lukas, Germany
10 September, 15:46; Stefan, Germany

willste was auf die fresse?
10 September, 15:47; Helingzu, China
10 September, 15:47; Leaven, China
please stay in f1
10 September, 15:46; yanyan, china
舒米,虽然你选择离开,但在我们心中你永远 是最棒的,无人能超越,永远...
10 September, 15:46; ZHANG, CHINA
10 September, 15:46; Stefan, Germany
GOTT SEI DANK!!! Schumi GO HOME !!!!
10 September, 15:45; milady, china
10 September, 15:45; Minglei Zhao, China
Without Micheal, Formula one loses color...
10 September, 15:45; Michael Schumacher, Germany
Sorry, I just decided. I will finish. Have a nice time. Kubica will be my successor. Good Bye ;)
10 September, 15:45; LiuJiuqing, china
Please stay!Don't quit! We Love You Michael Schumacher !!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:45; Ketrin, Ukraine
It's so sad.. You're the best! And you'll the best always!
10 September, 15:45; catalin, romania
no, michael please stay, F1 wont be the same without you
10 September, 15:44; jolie, china
Why u want to go?u are the best... :(
10 September, 15:44; nini ai Schumi, CHINA
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