Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
10 September, 15:54;
Dumitrica Cosmin, Romania
You are the best driver.We gone miss you please take your 8 world champions.Good luck.Miss you Schumi ,Good luck,bye .
10 September, 15:54;
wangjiangwei, china
michael-please-stay-in-f1. i love you.
10 September, 15:54;
emma, china
please !Don't go!
10 September, 15:54;
Pnahco, Bulgaria
Whatever I say, you will not stay. You even will not read this. So I wish you good luck in your life, be happy with your family. And smack down Alonso in the last three races :)
10 September, 15:54;
袁, 李
10 September, 15:53;
just like the shining sun, China
You are the best... Let me cry......... Idon't know what to say
10 September, 15:53;
Szandra, Hungary
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Schumi! You are the best!! We love you!!
10 September, 15:53;
Alison Slytherin, Malysia
Please , I really hope you to stay in F1 JUST FOR A YEAR . PLS dont dissapointed me . YOU ARE ALWAYS THE BEST .
10 September, 15:53;
Markus Rupp, Deutschland
DANKE MICHAEL !!Es ist sehr sehr traurig was du eben bei der Pressekonferenz gesagt hast! Ich bin in Trauer .. und Deutschland mit mir!
10 September, 15:53;
Beetlejuice, United Kingdom
I am not a fan of Schumacher, in fact I was quite upset with some of the manoevres he pulled in 1994 & 1997 and even at Monaco.But, he is still one of the greatest drivers of all time - whether I like him or not. I do respect his committment to the sport and what he's done for Formula 1. Formula 1 has lost its most special son - even if he had some naughty streaks!
10 September, 15:53;
Vilson, USA
Michael, why men? Why?You'll be always in my heart/life!!! I can't watch F1 without you there!!!
10 September, 15:53;
吴益, 中国
那么多人,依然留不住你。。。尊重你的决定,希望你能过以后的生活。永永 远远的祝福你。。。
10 September, 15:52;
Josef, Czech
Michaely díky,jsi 1 škoda že odcházíš bez teba to nebude ono
10 September, 15:52;
Gyury Orosz, Romania
Please stai in formula 1 michael u are the greatest driver of all times.
10 September, 15:52;
zhanglu, China
10 September, 15:52;
Katka, Czech Republic
Schumi stay
10 September, 15:52;
Alexandr, Ukraine
Thank`s for all Shumi. Always yours Alex from Ukraine
10 September, 15:52;
zhujiaxing, china
10 September, 15:52;
Zhang Yin, China
Shumi: you will always in my life!
10 September, 15:52;
zhaoyao, china
you are our hero!
10 September, 15:51;
Natasha Matos, Brazil
Thank you Michael, Yua-re the best Pilot forever and ever!
10 September, 15:51;
Daniel Lasch, Czech Republic
Ahoj Michaeli. Jsem tvůj velký fanoušek. Byl bych moc rád, kdybych tě viděl závodit v příští sezoně.Daniel
10 September, 15:51;
Grinevich Dima, Russia Saint-Peterburg
BBBBBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAVVVVVVVOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PleaZZZZZZZZe STAY in F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:50;
Toby, Germany
DANKE SCHUMI FÜR ALLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:50;
el, CZ
Michael, nooooooooo, pls stay !!!!
10 September, 15:50;
jin, china
please stay Michael
10 September, 15:50;
tsr, belgium
bye schumi we gone miss you and plz take your 8 world champions schip title
10 September, 15:50;
koala, CHINA
多么希望你能够多留一年可是现实如此残酷 你最终还是选择了离开 我只能用记忆来回忆来永远记住你的一言一笑
10 September, 15:49;
ivenhoe, germany
So jetzt ist es klar Michael hört auf,aber er hört mit einer super laufbahn auf und vielliecht mit einem 8 ten titelMaschs gut schumi
10 September, 15:49;
Doru, romania
michael thank you for everything you did in formula one and i'm proud i got to live in the days of the biggest champion F1 has ever had... good luck with your life and win this championship for your beautifull fans.
10 September, 15:49;
Vytautas M, Lithuania
10 September, 15:49;
Martin, Slovakia
You are the best driver I have ever seen. And you will always be. Miss You Schumi
10 September, 15:49;
Daniel, China
迈克尔,虽然你一天天在老去,但是我相信你 对F1的热情永远不会消失!我是一个F1车迷,
10 September, 15:48;
Ryan McLoud, China
Schumi forever !!!
10 September, 15:48;
Monica, Canada
This does not feel right!Classy speech, but too many really sad faces. May you find something just as exciting for the next phase in your life.
10 September, 15:48;
George, Spain
One of the greatest of all the time!!!!stay if u can!!!!if u cant , we will always remember u like the greatest champion!!! thanks michael!!!!!!
10 September, 15:48;
Lukas, Germany
10 September, 15:46; Stefan, Germanywillste was auf die fresse?
10 September, 15:47;
Helingzu, China
10 September, 15:47;
Leaven, China
please stay in f1
10 September, 15:46;
yanyan, china
舒米,虽然你选择离开,但在我们心中你永远 是最棒的,无人能超越,永远...
10 September, 15:46;
10 September, 15:46;
Stefan, Germany
GOTT SEI DANK!!! Schumi GO HOME !!!!
10 September, 15:45;
milady, china
10 September, 15:45;
Minglei Zhao, China
Without Micheal, Formula one loses color...
10 September, 15:45;
Michael Schumacher, Germany
Sorry, I just decided. I will finish. Have a nice time. Kubica will be my successor. Good Bye ;)
10 September, 15:45;
LiuJiuqing, china
Please stay!Don't quit! We Love You Michael Schumacher !!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:45;
Ketrin, Ukraine
It's so sad.. You're the best! And you'll the best always!
10 September, 15:45;
catalin, romania
no, michael please stay, F1 wont be the same without you
10 September, 15:44;
jolie, china
Why u want to go?u are the best... :(
10 September, 15:44;
nini ai Schumi, CHINA
舒米真的走了!!!5555555555555Pages: First «
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Michael, We believe, you will read all the messages, and we are hopefully waiting for your answer
(+373) 69107551
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We all want Michael Schumacher to stay in F1!
(+373) 69107551