Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
10 September, 15:30;
Ieva, Latvia
please stay in F1:) we all miss you so mach :)** please stay:)***
10 September, 15:30;
Rui Chen, China
Without you ,whitout F1!
10 September, 15:30;
Alexanderrr, Russia
We are the champion! Stay, please!
10 September, 15:28;
Chilam Wen, China
F1 need you!
10 September, 15:28;
童童, china
舒米,这次的意大利大奖赛你赢了。你要宣布 结果了吗?好难受,真的不想你退役,不要走 好吗? 55555555555555555
10 September, 15:27;
mareike, Germany
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jetzt ist die f1 nicht mehr was sie war.......
10 September, 15:27;
Michael, Italy
Schumi, you are the greatest F1 driver ever. Please, let your fans see you racing again the next season.
10 September, 15:26;
Lukas, Germany
oh nein
10 September, 15:26;
Fisherman, Germany
yeeeeaaahhhh endlich is er weg!!!!!!
10 September, 15:25;
Слышь, ты ублюдкА с ником ОЛя, шапку закрой! И выучи букварь.
10 September, 15:25;
Alex, Germany
10 September, 15:25;
bob, ger
er is weg
10 September, 15:25;
Shakeel, India
You proved u r self once again, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee stay
10 September, 15:25;
Jens, Deutschland
Schade, Schumi du warst der Beste
10 September, 15:24;
Chen Jin, China P.R
Grazie Michael~~~~~~~~~
10 September, 15:24;
Branislav Bartek, Slovakia
endlich, at last
10 September, 15:24;
Maxim, Russia
Without Michael, no F1Michael is The Best!!
10 September, 15:23;
Tom, China
We want the miracle to continue!
10 September, 15:23;
konstantin, russia
FORZZZZAAAA Shummi!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:23;
balling, China
Schumi, Plea stay in F1! 9 years ago, I first saw you on the screen, and then I began to watch race, just for you! 9 years. I don't know what to watch when you leave F1. Please, Stay!
10 September, 15:22;
Grinevich Dima, Russia Saint-Peterburg
BBBBBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAVVVVVVVOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PleaZZZZZZZZe STAY in F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:22;
alex, russia
Schumi Win Monza!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 September, 15:22;
Kim K, Germany
Glückwunsch Schumi ich sags ja du bist der Mann den wir brauchen. Bitte mach weiter....
10 September, 15:22;
Marco, Germany
SCHUMI GEWINNT IN MONZA!!! Er kann es noch immer!!! BLEIB!!!!!!!!!!SCHUMIIIIIIIIII
10 September, 15:21;
Henning, Germany
10 September, 15:21;
Sara Chan, China
Schumi as your fans i want you stay because i love you in my heart you are the best driver in f1. But in the other hand as your fans i hope you happy do anything you want to do and have fun in life. anyway i will support you accept you choosing and love you forever!
10 September, 15:21;
Michael, Switzerland
Geil gefahren...Bleib !
10 September, 15:21;
Dani, Germany
wenn nicht du...wer sonst?
10 September, 15:21;
Martin M., Deutschland
schumi du bist der beste,unzählige fans stehen hinter dir egal welche entscheidung du triffst.wir alle standen hinter dir 1994 in adelaide,1997 in jerez,1999 in silverstone,dieses jahr in monaco und in vielen anderen rennen.egal ob du weiter machst oder nicht,deine fans bleiben dir für immer erhalten!wir alle hoffen jedoch dass du weiter machst,gib uns noch ein weiteres jahr voller begeisterung,freude und mit weiteren siegen!
10 September, 15:20;
Christiaan, The Netherlands
10 September, 15:19;
re, ro
Michael +10!!! Great drive. BRAVO MICHAEL. BRAVO FERARRI!!!!!!
10 September, 15:19;
Player110, Deutschland
Michael, nach diesem tollen Sieg musst du uns erhalten bleiben !!!
10 September, 15:19;
zyw, CHINA
10 September, 15:19;
Christian Schütte, Germany
Schumi, you are the greates, please stay in Formula 1
10 September, 15:18;
Dennis Hase, Germany
Michael bitte bleib in Der Formel 1. Ohne dich wird dieser Sport nicht mehr der gleiche sein und die begeisterung der letzten 15 Jahre wird nie wieder kommen...BITTE BITTE bleib Michael Schumacher for WORLD CHAMPION
10 September, 15:18;
Cici, USA
Schumi, we love you. Please stay in F1.
10 September, 15:14;
Blaž Žirovnik, Slovenia
Schumi, you must stay in F1, just for another year to kick the asses of kimi and alonso!
10 September, 15:14;
jun, china
love you for ever
10 September, 15:11;
Petra, Czech Republic
Fernando Alonso is new Michael Schumacher!!!!He is the King F1!!!
10 September, 15:11;
ОЛя, Россия
Слыш ты ублюдон с ником FIFA шапку закрой!
10 September, 15:10;
Kafka, NL
Love(d) you in F1. But with today's win... Time to go, while you're still hot! Make place for Kimi at Ferrari, but stay involved...
10 September, 15:10;
Шумахер, оставайся, у кого же еще будет выигравать Алонсо?!
10 September, 15:09;
Rulan Yang, China
留下吧..没你的F1就不是F1你要拿到10冠... We love you...forever
10 September, 15:08;
Aydee, Mexico
please michael stay!!! Ferrari & you are one...NOBODY else will fill your place!!!
10 September, 15:07;
Jens, Deutschland
Jiiiippppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --- Alsonso du Loooooser
10 September, 15:06;
Ondřej Novotný, Czech
Michael, pleas stay in F1. You the best of the world.
10 September, 15:05;
Maris, Latvia
You are champion
10 September, 15:05;
Navpreet Kaur, India
all i can say is....... PLEEEEEEEASEEEEEEEE dont go. i love you .... i love formula 1........... n if ur gone f1 wont be f1 without u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u hav rocked my world n every1 els'. stayyyyyyyyyyyy schumi plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz one more season...................... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
10 September, 15:04;
Unlimited Jedi, Czech Republic
Michiael,you are the best of best, and the people who says Michael Schumacher Se unregistered to the history,they envies you.
10 September, 15:04;
谢建荣, 中国广东韶关乐昌
你不要走,我不要看到法拉利没有你。留下吧 !!!!真的希望你,留下。Pages: First «
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Michael, We believe, you will read all the messages, and we are hopefully waiting for your answer
(+373) 69107551
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