Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 09:07; Balázs, Hungary
Schumi - the last Heroic King of the race tracks. The world needs heros :)
7 September, 09:07; Sac, Hungary
Michael + Ferrari + Tiffosi = We are the Champions !
/ push, push Michael /
7 September, 09:04; Mikhail, Russia
Michael! You - the best!!! Remain in F1 and continue to please us with the victories!!!
7 September, 09:01; Feri, Hungray
We need for you! Stay, please!
7 September, 08:59; lily, china
I will respect the decison you make,but I have to say I don't want to see you leave.
Schumi,you're the best! Please stay.
7 September, 08:57; TheKiller, Romania
Schumi Rulez!!!!
7 September, 08:54; MadRust, Russia
you are very good driver.
7 September, 08:54; David Kosirati, Georgia
Michael, please stay in F1!
We need you
7 September, 08:53; Gabi, Hungary
Michael please stay in F1!!!
You are the best!!!
7 September, 08:53; Sr.Pininfarina, Madrid,spain
Go michael go!!

per sempre in da cuore del ferrarisme, Grazie
7 September, 08:52; norbischumi, Hungary
Everybody can see that you are still the best.You can win in the present also in the past. You are the same Schumacher!!!!
I hope that you will stay with us in the F1.......
Go Schumi Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 08:52; Arnold Svéda, Hungary Nyíregyháza Szalag utca 11, IV/13.
Please stay Michael Master PLEASE
7 September, 08:51; Jocy, Hungary
Ne add fel....Alonso nem nyerhet.
Du bist der König!!!!
7 September, 08:49; Magyi, Budapest
7 September, 08:42; joyce, china,shanghai
Schumi, please stay ,only year !!!!
stay in F1,in Ferrari!
7 September, 08:37; KateYu, China
Schumi,in my heart,you are the hero forever.I hope you can stay,but if you choose to leave,I will still stand you.
Now,please go on fighting to win the 2006 F1 World Champion!
7 September, 08:35; MSC248F1, China
Michael, please stay in F1!!!!!!!!
7 September, 08:35; RÁki, Hungary
You were the best, You are the best, you will be the best!

7 September, 08:32; Redmer, Netherlands
Schumi Please stay...
Your Simply the best!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 08:27; kahn_schumi, China
To be genius, one cannot avoid overcoming obstacles, for obstacles can create geniuses.

Schumi, should you be unable to keep up efforts, you may say to yourself: I am very tired. But never admit defeat in your mind by saying: I can't.

Schumi please stay,please! I Love You!
7 September, 08:26; Gerhát Ferenc, Hungary
Michael, please stay in F1!
7 September, 08:24; Radó Gábor, Hungary
Schumi go go go!
You are the best!!!!
7 September, 08:21; Robert, The Netherlands
Schumacher blijf a.u.b. bij Ferrari. Jij bent de beste coureur ter wereld. Schumacher Simply the Best !
7 September, 08:20; sumy, China
Shumi, You are best continues to win the championship.Nothing can let you stop go forward and nothing can let us stop love you.
You are the best and you are the whole world!
I hope you don't leaveus.We can live without you .
Tell me : you don't leave taking us.
We always support you!
We will love you forever!
I hawe speak to the world-wide the people: Who is Michare Schymacher?
"He is the only king"
7 September, 08:19; Kastely Timea, Slovakia
Raikonnen a legjobb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 08:15; b.tibor, hungary
schumi f1 king! nooooo game over !!!!!!!!!!!!4
7 September, 08:15; Joco, Hungary
7 September, 08:13; Pavel, Russia
Dear Michael,
in any case thanks you a lot for your time in FERRARI.
It was greatest time for this team and you.
I hope to see you here in the next year, but if it impossible I'll understand you and respect your decision.
Thanks again and good luck!
7 September, 08:09; diver, china
Michael Schumacher ,WHO?


King of the world
7 September, 08:06; Dani, GERMANY
Hi Michael,

Du wärst für Deine Formel 1 Fans noch größer,wenn Du jetzt die Größe zeigen würdest, auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen (Kimi R.) bei Ferrari zu bleiben und zu kämpfen. Das ist doch DEIN Motto- nicht aufgeben! Wir wollen Dich kämpfen sein!! Die anderen denken, der Schumi zieht jetzt den Schwanz ein und kneift vor Kimi. Tust Du denen wirklich den Gefallen?

Jeder denkt Du hörst auf-ich hoffe Du fährst weiter!Du bist eine Bereicherung für die Formel 1-Du kannst es dieses Jahr noch schaffen!!

Schumi, please stay!
7 September, 08:03; Big Zee, Hungary
GO SUMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 08:02; 马宇翔, 中国
schumi,真的不希望你这个时候走,我不知道你走了我的F1将怎么样继续,明年,法拉利喝石桥将是强大的一年,明年我们可以稳拿冠军,不能再等一年吗,看现在猩猩嚣张的样子,真希望你给他一记重拳之后带着光环离开F1!schumi,you are the only king!
7 September, 08:00; Zsolt, Romania
Oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer
Please, please, please, say you will, say you will
Oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer
Oh, please, please stay just a little bit more
7 September, 07:55; Rychy, Hungarya
Sumi vonulj vissza!!!!!!
7 September, 07:49; Sandor, Hungary
Dear Michael,

Formula 1 became a great event because of you, millions are watching F1 from time to time because you take part. There has never been an attempt by the fans such as this one to try to convince a sportsman to stay in the game. I am sure you can feel the weight of this -- there is so much still ahead of you, after each race won we all see the genuine joy on your face just like this was your first GP victory. A man that has so much drive, enthusiasm and GO in him should not think about retiring yet, we all would love to see you race and win in 2007.
7 September, 07:38; Luis, Valencia Spain
My little 9 years old son cry a lot when u break the car, when your tyres can´t finish the race. And his laugh and smile is infinite when he watch u in podium. For people like my kid, dont go Michael. Stay here.
7 September, 07:35; Jury Kaplan, Russia
Schumaher = F1 for me. Pleae, dont left as.
7 September, 07:33; Luis Ungo, Spain
For us, for all we love you watch how you drive. Please stay and win again. We need you. Forza Schumi forever.
7 September, 07:27; Abdul, Australia
Please stay you are my favourite racer of all time.
7 September, 07:20; Nando, Hungary
Michael = Ferrari, Michael Please stay F1!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 07:19; Rosaing, China
Shumi,you are my god!
Please stay!
How can I live without you?
7 September, 07:10; Balint, Hungary
Dear Michael,
The best way for you is to leave F1. You are a master, a legend already, if you leave now, you will be remembered as the best pilot ever. If you stay for another year or more, then you will be mentioned as someone, who is not able to accept the fact, that time goes on, and new names and times comes to F1. A genius like you knows when it's time to race and knows when it's time to leave proudly. I hope you take this hard step now, and then your name will be mentioned on every race in the coming decades!
7 September, 06:48; ILIYA, Russia
Was solches die Formel 1 ohne Sie, der Rote Baron?
7 September, 06:32; Karoly N, Hungary
Please stay !
7 September, 06:25; 吴燕梅, China
Schumi,please stay,don't leave us .
I can't imagin the life without you.
I beg you ! please stay in F1
7 September, 06:15; Kitty, Hungary
Schumi stay in the formula-1 you are the best
7 September, 06:13; Franto, Slowakia
Schumi du musst in thiese Sport sein. Ohne dir wird diese Sport nich so atraktiv sein. Ich wunsche dir, dass du auch in Letzte Jahr in F1 sein wird. Ich kann es nicht, ob ich diese text gut beschriebe. Viele Danke Michael...Du bist mein Favorit, und du hast viele energie, und du wird diese seson mit 8te titul beended...
7 September, 05:31; 萧, CHINA
Such quickly do not leave, you also have the strength which wins thechampionship, I forever support you!
7 September, 05:05; shirley, china
I hope Michael Schumacher wil stay in Formula 1.
We need you!!! You are the best!!!
7 September, 04:21; Fernando Alonso, Spain
Michael Schumacher Please Stay In F1, PLEASE STAY MY TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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