Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 04:10;
Javi, Catalonian
Schummi, don't go... stay in F1 one more year please... Alonso bad...
7 September, 04:04;
Carla, United States
Schumi you are the best in the sport, i hope you don't leaveus, but if you do, me and your millions of fans will miss you tons. Watching races without you will not be the same.
7 September, 03:59;
steffi52, China
Whatever you choose,I will always support you.
7 September, 03:49;
Susan, China
Schumi, we love you so much, in my mind, NO SCHUMI, NO F1.so please stay, let us continue the most beautiful legend. you are the real king!!
7 September, 03:46;
DJ_PEPOTE, Pepoland
Que te pires abueloMira que pose tienes en esa foto, que parece que te estan estacando el culo
7 September, 03:33;
Diego Suero Vigil, Spain
Un año mas solo porfavor consigue el octavo titulo y retirate a lo grande pero un año mas porfavor aclo x tus fans que te queremos
7 September, 03:30;
Diego Suero Vigil, Spain
Schumacher sigue el año que viene en la F1 porfavor eres el mejor piloto de F1 de todos los tiempos y nunca nadie sera como tu por eso no puedes dejar a tus fans tirados queremos que sigas ganando y haciendo disfrutar con tus carreras y que consigas el octavo titulo mundial q es lo que te mereces y no se flipen tanto cn alonso porque nunca conducira como tu ni sera el DIOS de la F1
7 September, 03:27;
Stopkidding, United States
Stay Schumi Stay. One more year.....
7 September, 03:11;
Agustin, Spain
Schumacher contiuna que sin ti la F1 no es nada
7 September, 03:09;
Patrice, Canada
You must stay, Michael ! We enjoyed so much Australia 94, Jerez 97, Silverstone 98, Belgium 98, Malaysia 99, Austria 2001 and especially 2002, USA 2005, Monaco 2006... We loved your crazy race start stunts...
7 September, 03:07;
Chester, Kazakhstan
Михаэль, давай оставайся на следующий год и ты станешь девятикратным чемпионом, потому что восмой титул у нас уже почти в кармане. Алонсо ваще польное мясо про него забудут уже в следующем году, когда он будет в мерседесе. Ferrari forever!!
7 September, 02:58;
Michael, dont break our heart! We love you, please stay.
7 September, 02:55;
Forsci, Australia
Too many F1 noob-fans these days who just want to cut you down Michael. It's great to know that the real enthusiasts support you all the way while the crybaby's call for your head. No matter, when you are gone they will find another driver to whinge about and you can get some peace. People who truly understand F1 and motor racing know you are worth keeping in this sport.
7 September, 02:48;
Roland, Hungary
Michael stay!!!!!! You are the best!!!!!!
7 September, 02:33;
Burt, Austria
Scvmmy, please retire.You are very cr@p always have been, but especially now. You know you cannot win without che@ting.
7 September, 02:12;
pepe, espaÑa
chumin y antipepe, si me lamierasis el ojo del culo os correriais de gusto.antipepe que te la meta chumi por el culo y sin vaselina
7 September, 02:09;
Frank, USA
All of us will respect the decison you make. We hate to see you leave. F1 will not be the same. We all would like to see you win the 10th World Championship!! Thanks for ALL the great Victories. You and Ferrari are the Worlds Best.
7 September, 02:08;
7 September, 02:04;
antipepe, tambien de espaka
pepe, si te gustara lo mas minimo la F1, querrias que schumi continuara por muchos años dando espectaculo. asi que un respeto, y si no tienes dignidad, te callas.
7 September, 02:00;
pepe, espaÑa
vete a la mierda ya, chorizo
7 September, 01:43;
Sandor Nyiri, Hungary
10 print "stay in the F1"20 goto 10 run
7 September, 01:39;
joe, canada
Please Michael stay in the F1.Don't go away. Your are the best F1 driver.
7 September, 01:36;
Balu, Hungary
Go Shumi Go!!!!!!! And pls, stay in F1!!!!
7 September, 01:30;
Alberto Curieses, Spain
He is the best pilot of all times. Have a elegance, and style. Shumi forever
7 September, 01:28;
ab, cd
f-u-c-k yes, one less thing that su*ks about F1 :O
7 September, 01:22;
Michael,I love you and only love you. The day you leave, is the day I will never ever watch F1 again.
7 September, 01:21;
Tracy, USA
You mean people out to be ashamed! I'm sure your fellow countrymen are so proud... NOT!
7 September, 01:18;
Tracy, USA
NOT NICE!! :o( donaldo, Spain Shumi for the most part you are loved and admired. Please stay and wipe the floor with nando!
7 September, 01:15;
donaldo, Spain
MS fans are g@ys
7 September, 01:12;
Juan Vicente, Spain
Michael, you are the best driver of the world. Now, you can battle with other drivers. You are in the best team, with the best car and with the best hands, do it!!!!One year more!
7 September, 01:09;
Tony Blair, England
Please Michael continue one year more so you might crash and die.
7 September, 01:04;
Francisco Perez, Barcelona
please schumi, continue one year more, making spectacle and winning as you know
7 September, 01:02;
el_Capo, Dominican Republic
Michael that you reconsider and you are left a year to you but within the F1 that without you not never will be equal, but at least remembers something always you must do what your heart of indicates
7 September, 01:01;
Carlos, Valencia
Please Michael ! 1 year more ! Please ! I´m not ready for this :-(
7 September, 01:00;
Sergio Garcia, Tarragona (Spain)
Please Michael ! 1 year more ! Please ! I´m not ready for this :-(
7 September, 01:00;
Phantom, Spain
Please Michael ! 1 year more ! Please ! I´m not ready for this :-(
7 September, 00:57;
Joaquim, Portugal
Only sick and very stupid individuals (like Clive from UK) write here against Michael Shumacher.Go MICHAEL.
7 September, 00:55;
Ronald Dennis, UK
Fangio, Senna, Clark, Prost, Lauda and Brabham true multiple world champions.Michael isn't fit to felch their bums
7 September, 00:55;
black_dog, atlanta
>Kirill Maysenia, Belarus>Я уверен, что ты выступаешь уже не столько для себя, сколько для всех своих поклонников, Да уш, бля ть. Когда он парковал свою красную телегу в Монако на квале. Он bля, думал в первую очередь о своих простофанах. Ахуeть, дайте две.
7 September, 00:53;
7 September, 00:53;
Daniel Alujas Garcia, Barcelona
Please, continue for many years in the F1!!!
7 September, 00:52;
Clive, UK
Only sick individuals support Michael Shumacher.
7 September, 00:52;
Ross Brawn, Fatland
Michael, come with me during retirement to Fatland and we can drink beer and eat cake.
7 September, 00:50;
7 September, 00:49;
Alain, Spain (Barque Country)
Michael the f1 dont exist whitout you!! Please stay, The F1 cantb be if you are not here!! The best driver. Thanks for your races ;) i have your fiat stilo limited edition
7 September, 00:39;
Dave Moss, UK
Michael drinks semen.
7 September, 00:38;
tits, tits
7 September, 00:35;
Jelena, Croatia
Michael....... PLEASE STAY..... JUST ONE MORE YEAR....You are the heart of Formula One, simply the best driver ever! please stay
7 September, 00:33;
Ad0lf Hitler, He11
Come join me and your true father; Beelzebub, in the fiery Underwurlde Michael, Love always, your spiritual brother, Ad0lf x x x
7 September, 00:29;
Chris, UK
Im already in tears at the thought of you leaving...Dont xXxXPages: First «
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