Showing 50 out of 27,110 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,058
6 September, 20:32; bravura, Hungary
maradj Misi!!!!!
ha mész,én is megyek:(
6 September, 20:31; Kubik Ferenc, Hungary
Michael nagyon kérlek maradj még NÉLKÜLED üres lessz a Forma1
6 September, 20:30; Tímea Szűcs, Hungary
Dear Michael,
Please stay!!!!!! I love you!!!!! You are the best f1 pilot in the world!!!!! You are my model/pattern!!!! You are a FANTASTIC man!!! My dream is: I going to meet with You...!!! :)
6 September, 20:29; schumil, hungary
Stay in F1! You are the best!
6 September, 20:28; Csaba, Hungary
6 September, 20:27; Honda, Hungary
Maradj Schumi, imádunk!!!!
6 September, 20:25; istvan pulai, usa
You are still better than all the rest combined
6 September, 20:22; Lori, Hungary
Michael Schumacher Please stay!and get the 8. VB!!!!Michael! You're the best pilot Formula-1 ever had! Let you win this match! "You're ready for the victory"-> Michael Schumacher 9 World Champion-<
6 September, 20:22; Csaba, Hungary
Schumi, you are the best! Please stay in Formula 1!
6 September, 20:21; Vigarc, Hungary
Bontani való csirke eladó. Please win again. and go home in the forever honor.
6 September, 20:21; Simonné Hajni, Hungary
Maradj még!!!!!!!!!!!
6 September, 20:20; Valéria, Magyarország
Nem szeretnénk ha visszavonulnál! Szurkolunk neked hogy tudd megszerezni a 8.-ik VB-t!
6 September, 20:19; KOVÁCS DÁNIEL, HUNGARY
6 September, 20:18; KOVÁCS DÁNIEL, HUNGARY
STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEAS!!!!!!

6 September, 20:18; Tkrisz, Hungary
Michael please don't go. You're the best pilot. Please Stay! :))
6 September, 20:18; Frank, The Netherlands
Schumi, made me the Formula1 Lover I am today!
Without Schumi There won't be any really good drivers in F1, if Schumi decides to stop, it will mean the death of F1 as we know the sport today.

Schumi, Please Choose Wisely!!!
Choose For what YOU FEEL!
6 September, 20:18; Balázs Csaba, Hungary
6 September, 20:17; Orsy, Hungary
Michael, please stay! The world need you!!!
6 September, 20:17; Annamaria, maglodi@monornet.hu
Én magyar vagyok, magyarul kérem! :-) Schumi maradj még egy kicsit! Ami
6 September, 20:17; Anne Marie, Romania
Please stay..F1 will never be as fun or as interesting as it was with you..FORZA FERRARI!..GO SCHUMACHER!..msc for ever..:X
6 September, 20:17; Balázs Csaba, Hungary

6 September, 20:16; Gianni, Hungary
Michael for EVER
6 September, 20:15; Tom, Hungary
Michael! The F1 won't be same without you! You are my favourite since Im an F1 Fan (1998)
I would like to see you once in the Hungaroring, so please continou with the Ferrari! You are much better than Fernando and the Renault!
We are still belive in YOU! Don't give it up pleas!
6 September, 20:15; Józsi, Hungary
6 September, 20:15; Robert, Romania
Just stay man!!! Pleeeeeeease!!!
6 September, 20:15; p1box@hotmail.com, Canada
The last 15 years that I have watched you has given my the opportunity to witness the making of the greatest driver in F1 history. I know these days are numbered and I cannot believe the years have gone by so fast, but give us, your fans, just one more year of memories that we can tell our children about. You have been my hero from the first time you sat in that Jordan, and I will truly mourn the passing of your era, but will always cherish your legacy. I wish my son was old enough to appreciate your talent and passion.

Forever, my unreplacable hero!

Fly Schumi Fly ........... be our hero in the battle.

6 September, 20:15; Tamas Szabadkai, Hungary
Schumacher ur the best pilot in de world pls stay in F1 !!!
and get the 8. VB!!!!
6 September, 20:14; ggajic, Serbia
If you don't feel passion for F1 leave.. If you leave there
is no turning back.. But I think that you still feel desire to win..
6 September, 20:13; Gergely, Hungary
Hi Schumi!Im ur fan!And I would like u to stay in f1 next year!There will be just bridgestone, so I think it willbe the easiest chamipionship os ur carieer!I hope u will stay with us!Bye
6 September, 20:13; Molpepe, Hungary
Schummy! Turn your eyes up to the sky, this is the only one thing, that's bigger than you!
6 September, 20:12; Balázs Csaba, Hungary
6 September, 20:11; stefan, Nederland
Please stay! :))
6 September, 20:11; Molpepe, Ungarn
Schumi! Bitte bleib in Formel-1! Das Rennsport braucht Dich!
6 September, 20:11; Mogyi, Hungary
Please, don't stay :P
6 September, 20:11; P_U_L_A, Bessarabia
Misha PEDORAZ :-)
6 September, 20:10; Vikuca, Hungary
Michael, please stay in Formula 1, you are THE BEST!
We need you!!!!!
6 September, 20:08; wildrain, Hungary
Please stay! :))
6 September, 20:08; Petya, Hungary
"F1 will never be the same without you. Your simply the best. " but you's give place to other f'pilot,. so bye-bye
6 September, 20:04; az, Slovenia
F1 will never be the same without you. Your simply the best.
6 September, 20:03; Janee, Hungary
Michael, we want to see fights in the F1, please stay, and fight with Kimi in the same car!
6 September, 19:27; BINko, Croatia
Youre simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anyone, anyone I've ever met!
Im stuck on your heart, I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead

In your heart I see the start of every night and every day
In your eyes, I get lost, I gte washed away
Just as long as Im here in your arms I could be in no better place...

Its the time you leave me I start losing control, youre walking away with my Heart and my soul, I can feel you even when Im alone, oh baby dont let go!
6 September, 19:26; Sunny, Hungary
Du bist das Gott!
6 September, 19:25; Maysi, Hungary
Michael! You're the best pilot Formula-1 ever had! Let you win this match! "You're ready for the victory"
6 September, 19:24; Bohóc, Hungary
Please don't go!!!!
Te vagy a legjobb!!!!!!!
6 September, 19:23; Tibi, Hungary
Schumi you are a F1 king forever!!!pleasa stay in F1 and win more champion!!!Go SCHUMI!!
6 September, 19:22; RED " POWER " FORCE, Hungary
6 September, 19:20; Zolaa, Hungary
Michael please stay in F1 because you are the BEST!!!
6 September, 19:20; János Hegyvári, Hungary
Schumi you are the Best pilot in the World. If you will go out from F1, it won't be good. I won't see it, if you go away. So please stay. I know you have enough power to win an another Wold Championship. Feel the Red Power!!!!

Schumi Forever!!!
6 September, 19:20; Pieter, The Netherlands
Plz stay!
6 September, 19:19; Imre Pardi, Hungary
Michael. I'd like to see You and Felipe in Ferrari, Numbered 1 and 2. :)
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