Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
5 September, 22:04; Joaquim, Portugal
F1 needs you. We need you. Even your detractors need you as we can see here. They love to hate you.
We love to love you.
Long live the RED BARON. The greatest of them all.
5 September, 22:01; Giovanni Lombardo, Whole World
no more schumi
5 September, 21:59; Adrian Bugaian, Moldova
5 September, 21:58; T4, Russia
STAY !!!
5 September, 21:58; DECA, USA
Don't Race with Me BABY!
5 September, 21:55; Damir Anatolie, Moldova
Please stay
5 September, 21:53; Conner MacLeod, Spain
Kaiser 4 Ever!!!!!!
5 September, 21:52; montoya, colombia
schumi come to nascar if you're a man and let me show ya who's the one who can drive!
5 September, 21:49; Max Ingram, UK
Well, me old mucker, it looks like it's time for you to hang that crash helmet up for the final time after Brazil. Without a doubt you have made a difference to F1.
However you're driving tactics, as already mentioned by other wellwishers (Carl, England), have shown another side to your driving which I find offensive.
Please, Michael, just leave quietly..........
5 September, 21:49; Kimi Raikonnen, Finland
Come on Schumi don't chicken away and let me show how to drive in an equal car :-)
5 September, 21:49; Nacho, Spain
5 September, 21:47; Ari, Finland
Schumi park your car, that's the thing you know best how to do :-)
5 September, 21:45; Pekka, Finland
Schumi get away from F1!
5 September, 21:43; Assil, Matti
Michael, please stay in F1 for at least three more years. Sundays will never be the same without you. You are the best and you can run circles around any driver. You DESERVE to be the first to get double digits championships (at least 10 titles) and way beyond 100 grand prix wins and pole positions.
5 September, 21:42; VitalikK, Moldova
Formula 1= Michael Schumacher
What do I need to add? Who wants F1 to quit?
5 September, 21:41; Damon Bedgood, UK
Please stay, F1 will not be the same without you.
5 September, 21:39; Michael, Belgium
Michae, stay in F1 for at least another year. Your the best F1 driver there is!!!
5 September, 21:38; Imran Ahmed, Pakistan
Schumi.....Dont Leave F1 so soon.....atleast wait for me to come and take ur place..hehe....you will create a void which will not filled by anyone !
5 September, 21:36; ben, newcastle
pleas stay yu the best
5 September, 21:36; Vlad, Romania
I would say what most do: please you to stay in f1 but that wouldn't be fair to you even if it would be what I wish the most.
You have a family, a life, a carrer, a dream accomplished, enough money for ten generations and it came just up to you to decide what to do next in life.
Do only one thing: think about racing and what it does mean to you, think of the work and both delight and agonny you have been through, think of what you achieved and what you mean for all the people who post here.
Everyone who posts here is not indifferent about you and the worst feeling you can have about one person is not hating but being indifferent.
The day you'll leave f1 think good whether you can live without one of the things you love. Sometimes leaving loved things behind can tear you apart and retiring we'll be like leaving a part of you behind in the past.
Do not retire because of other people's opinion, because of Ferrari, a driver, the rules, the fans or anything else but do retire because that's your choice.
It's your decision and you have the right to take it by yourself!
And whatever your decision will be I'll respect and understand it even it will hurt, even if F1 won't be the same to me, I'll only wish the next day after the monza gp you'll wake up and have no regrets!
5 September, 21:32; Orges Dushku, England
By the way will Michael read these messages or is it only a waste of time I hope he will haha
5 September, 21:29; Orges Dushku, england
Yea to all Schumi haters
why do you come here if u dont like him this is for all who support him and not say bad things about him, he has been the best f1 driver of all time and as someone said below, we will never see someone like Michael Schumacher
5 September, 21:29; Deniz Kargili, Turkey
Well Michael you really did win so much, didn't you? I don't know maybe only the "most gp starts" record left. You're able to own it too. I remember you said that you didn't care about the records you only cared about winnig. Wasn't it the issue?

You always wanted to win. The way you win wasn't a matter. That's why you've never been a fair racer, a sportsman. Do you know what Michael? It worked just perfecly! You won so much that people can't criticize you or describing it as "poor behaviour". So they have to shut their mouths about what you did in 1994 and 1997 or how you never play the game in Ferrari. This is like a toilet paper, covers everything you did wrong. It wasn't your purpose, it was the people react about you.

Numbers.. They are important. I wish you were a better man. then these numbers would make you a ture legend but no they only "erase" your shame. You might be the most-wining about everything F1 bt you're also the slutties F1 champion that this sport has ever seen.

So Schumi please stay. You've been doing "it" for 15 years. We can take it for extra 2 years. Or do me a good and become the 2006 WC and leave. You'll be remember as the legend..of numbers.

2 f1 season. Hmm.. That equals 72 hours of free time!
5 September, 21:28; Timur, Rep.of Moldova...
Mike... plsss remain !!!!!
5 September, 21:27; Maxim, Moldova
Please stay at least 5 years!!!
5 September, 21:27; Felipe Massa, Brazil
Micheal please retire,my job depends on it!
5 September, 21:24; Stiopa, Moldova
Please! Stay! We like you! Withaut you Formula-1 will die!
Don't go plz!
5 September, 21:22; Marius Ardelean, Romania
I've been your fan since 1994 and I'll always be. Just do in the future what you like most in life...ride a ferrari in F1. You have many fans that appreciate everything you've done in your career. Keep up the good job
5 September, 21:21; John, England
Just what is going on in that photo... Maybe Micheal is giving Felipe his daily shafting?!!
5 September, 21:20; Den, USA
Michael, you should stay! you are the greatest!
5 September, 21:19; Per, Sweden
Why are you guys that just have bad words to say about michael writing here anyway. If you have nothing nice or relevant to say...please keep quiet. Everyone may have their own opinion about michael schumacher but let it be apropriate and not just stupid. Thanks!
5 September, 21:13; Carl, England
Goodbye and good riddance cheatmacher.. We will never forget your antics in Australia 94 & Jerez 97, knowingly using illegal traction control in the Benetton days, the team orders, the Schumacher chop and most recent of all that sublime piece of parking at Racasse!

Although maybe you should stay for one more year to race with Kimi in the Ferrari, as you've always been too afraid to have a fast team mate on equal terms in the past.. but i got a feeling you would get your severly beaten!

All that's left to say is go Alonso!! After all we don't want you retiring as champion!
5 September, 21:11; Orges Dushku, England

Michael you have been the greatest ever F1 driver, I I don't want you to retire, you never struggled, you have tried your best in every race. If you retire Formula 1 will be boring with only alonso winning

I want you to show Alonso whos the boss for another season, I would love to see you beat him this season and next aswell

Regardsa Orges
5 September, 21:09; Peter, Scotland
The only thing you've yet to do is beat a teammate of 'equal' stature. Stay, beat Kimi fair and square. You will then be able to retire knowing that even the haters can't touch you.

Oh, and you may even find that your long standing (but frequently overshadowed) rival DC is a threat next year. (newey design, RB money and the same engine as you!)

It can only make for an exciting season.
5 September, 21:08; Ustas, Moldova
Are you crazy Michael?
If you'll quit i'll find you and kill you (joke)
You are the best pilot ever in the wrold. Your retire wiil be a very very big loss for F1. Please stay in Formula 1 an you won't regret.

YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 September, 21:07; Beckster, UK
Your actions, for better or worse, bring controversy and interest to racing. I long since stopped "supporting" any F1 drivers and instead shout at the telly at the driver I dont want to win. OK so i'm not a fan, but F1 wouldn't be the same without you. Please stay.
5 September, 21:05; Aidan, UK
Michael you have been my hero since i was a child i attend the British GP every year and every year i wait outside the paddock after the GP just to catch a glimpse of you. This year i was lucky as you actually walked out of the paddock amongst your fans including myself. It goes without mention that you are the best driver and i really want you to stay in F1 where you belong. At the end of the day Michael it is your choice whether or not to stay in F1 but i really hope that you do as you deserve another World Championship and i really want to see you win.
5 September, 21:02; Cristian, Moldova
Shumi don't leave us!!! Formula One without you is NOTHING!
5 September, 21:01; Rachel, UK
OMG LOLZ STAY micAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 September, 21:00; Fransisco, USA
Dear Michael.
Loving your orgasm face on the front page here,, hope none of you tifosi's are loving it too much! ;)
5 September, 20:59; Leif Bjorling, Sweden
It would be a shame to see Michael quit when he´s still the best there is! At least on more year Michael! Please!
5 September, 20:57; Andy, XP
pLease stay in f1. you arE the most Awsome driVer, and desErve everyones respect!!
5 September, 20:56; southener, usa
many people love u i dont see the big fuss thers always someone to drive ur car because your not a great driver youve got great team of engineirs
5 September, 20:49; Nanu, Moldova
Please stay in F1. we love you.
You are the best of the best's
5 September, 20:49; Russia, Russia
You are our life! please! 2 seasons!!!! Remain!!! (Committee rooter to Russia)
5 September, 20:48; Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, España
Please do not go, you are the essence of the F1, and I owe you most of the sport-joyceness that I have fell in the last 15 years. Thank you Michael.
5 September, 20:47; MorNazgul, Russia
F1 and Ferrari is yours.
So, don't break 'em, stay and win a three-more championships ;)

PS. And don't forget to make double in Monza!
5 September, 20:45; celic, moldova
Schumi don't go!!!!
we can't imagine F1 without you!!!
5 September, 20:45; Vladimir, Russia
Gooooooooo! Please, go away!
5 September, 20:45; John, USA
BECAUSE YOU ARE INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN BE NO.1 IN FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LISTEN TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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