Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
5 September, 20:40;
Andriy, Poland-Russia
Michael?you haven't done enough:you haven't beat Alonso/When you dp this you can live.
5 September, 20:38;
Per, Sweden
Michael..whatever you decide i will support your decision. You have given us uncountable great moments to celebrate with your great driving and your love for motorsport.But i would want you to win an eight title if possible so you could finish your career on the step you always belonged. The Tina Turner song "simply the best" reminds us of you. THANKS!!!
5 September, 20:38;
Antonio, Uzbekistan
Чёт все на англицком, а я на русском задвину речь =)))Вобщем... давно я это дело уже не смотрю, но Ф-1 без Михаеля, это всё равно что финал чемпионата мира без Бразилии ;) Кароч, оставайся нах! И мозг не ипи! Шундым? Peace! Мы тебя любим! :)
5 September, 20:34;
SloMilanista, Slovenia
5 September, 20:33;
ASH, Wales
You've done enough, made your mark. It's been good.Go now, live a long and happy life. Or join Monty in NASCAR. Personally, I don't care. Thanks for the memories.
5 September, 20:33;
I luv ja stay
5 September, 20:32;
5 September, 20:29;
Mascha, Russia
Michael !!!!!Рlease stay!!!!!!
5 September, 20:25;
Hope, Serbia
Please Schu, stay with us.
5 September, 20:22;
Moriatti, Munich
you won 7 titles. Its enough, bye bye in neverending Holidays with hundreds of millions EuroDo something for poor children. Thnx
5 September, 20:19;
Stay, STAY
5 September, 20:16;
Kristoffer Karlsson, Sweden
I would be very empty without you!
5 September, 20:15;
dima, Moldova, Republic of
bleaghi.. shini asta?
5 September, 20:15;
Ansgar Waldmann, Deutschland
Jeff Jas. Schumiiiiiiiiiiiii!!
5 September, 20:12;
Zsolt Valastyán, Hungary
Please stay and beat Alonso!
5 September, 20:12;
Burn, Spain
You know you can do it, we know you can do it.Just win the champioship this and go to another one in 2007 and 2008. 10 chamchioships should be a good number ;) Just drive as you know, do what you were born to do. Relax, concentration and get fun and the championships will be yours. Your the best, now and ever
5 September, 20:11;
RAdu Bogdan Giurgiu, Romania
Please stay in F1!!!Next year U must beat Alonso!!! You are the best!!! Without U F1 will be poorer!!!
5 September, 20:10;
Pisty, Romania
Michael please stay!!!!!!
5 September, 20:09;
Vladimir, Russia
Don't give up. Without you races will be much less interesting.You fought as a wounded lion in Hungary even when situation became worse.
5 September, 20:09;
Jon Warmland, Sweden
Please don´t ruin our Sundays by leaving it to second rank drivers!It took the world almost 100 years of motor racing to find one MIchael Schumacher and we don´t want to wait another 100 years!
5 September, 20:07;
KImmi, Moldova
Ple... Misanea.. nafiga.. nu te du... ramii inca pe un an.. si rupei buka lu ALonso..
5 September, 20:03;
Milo, Serbia
I start to watch F1 becouse of you and you now want to leave . Stay becouse if you live not only your fans will be sorry but even your antifans will not have anyone to curse . F1 will be boring till we don't get another driver like you . Everyone will lose no one gets anything with your leaving f1.
5 September, 20:01;
Manx Moseley, Monaco
Dear Michael,Please stay in F1, you make everyone a lot of money. If, however, you do choose to retire please come and be my chauffeur in Monaco as I understand you can find parking places in the most unusual places. Love Manx
5 September, 20:01;
Alexey, Russia
Michael please stay, since 1994 when I first time seen you in race, nobody imressed me so much. You just the best. Present for us 1 year at least, please!
5 September, 19:57;
James, England
I am not a fan of you, I have infact cursed your name serveral times over the years. However I think you are the most entertaining driver in F1, you have the passion, fitness and ability to beat anyone. Why stop now? You can run wheel to wheel with the best of the new drivers. Whatever you decide I am sure it will be the right thing for you and if you read this, i wish you success in whatever you choose to do.
5 September, 19:53;
Damien, France
Michael,tu ne lira probablement pas ce message mais je souhaite ainsi que tous tes fans que tu reste en F1 encore longtemps !!! Pour l'amour de la F1, de la compétition, de Ferrari et de tes fans, tu te dois de rester en course !!! J'ai découvert la F1 grace à toi et très franchement sans toi la F1 ne sera plus la même, c'est toi le Roi !!! Ce n'est pas simplement pour que tu remporte un autre titre mais simplement pcq la F1 à besoin de toi... Lorsque je regarde un GP je suis tout exité du spectacle que tu vas nous donner, je suis comme un fou devant ma télé... PLEASE MICHAEL, STAY IN FORMULA1 !!!! PLEASE, PLEASE...
5 September, 19:52;
Nadi Rustamova, Russia
Dear Michael, please stay in Formula 1 and Scuderia Ferrari in few next years and win still 3 championship... Without you the Formula 1 will not be intresting...
5 September, 19:49;
gandalf, españa
si aun te diviertes en las carreras continua, cuando no disfrutes en ellas retirate. Recuerda lo que le paso a Raney cuando se queria retirar y le convencieron para seguir una ultima temporada
5 September, 19:47;
Sergey, Ukraine
Hi is THE BEST!!!
5 September, 19:45;
Roma, Russia, Moscow
Dear Michael, YOU ARE THE BEST DRIVER I'VE EVER SEEN!!! I can't live without you in F1. Please. Stay... One year or more - it doesn't matter. You can't stop at seven cups. You must GO FORWARD! We believe You! And We love You! So GO!!! FORZA FERRARI & MICHAEL SCHUMACHER!!!
5 September, 19:43;
Jose Maria Aznar, España
5 September, 19:43;
Felipe Massa, Brasil
Por favor Michael retirate, quiero ser campeón del mundo y no un escudero como Sancho Panza.
5 September, 19:42;
Valery, Russia
Michael please consider everything before you decide. You prove strong this season&still can beat any rival. Leaving would be the end of an era. Races will never be the same without you. We all, f1 fans, will miss you. But surely if you decide to quit - then you have your reasons for it. Do what you should do. No matter if you stay or leave - we love you and always will.
5 September, 19:39;
Mika Häkkinen, Finland
Please Michael, stay in the F1, I don't want you in DTM!
5 September, 19:37;
Rudenko Eugeniu, Rep. Moldova
you're the best!!! please stay!!! alonso will breathe the smoke from your car
5 September, 19:36;
will, england
can we move f1 to saturdays cos i work sundays!
5 September, 19:36;
Funky Freddy, England
Watching Michael Schumacher is better than making love.I hope he stays forever he is my God.
5 September, 19:35;
kyyra, romania
f1 just wouldn't be the same without him.he loves this sport more then any other pilot out there....ferrari should do anything to keep him as a pilot. he has too many fans who love to see him race and for them he should think of staying and racing for at least one more year.
5 September, 19:31;
Anton, Russia
Formula 1 without Shumaher is not Formula 1.And Ferrari needs another championship!
5 September, 19:30;
Flud, Russia
Shummi must win 10 championats!
5 September, 19:29;
Gradinaru Florian, Romania
Dear Michael, you must now this: THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!! Without you, i think, the Formula 1 will not be intresting, so please stay one more 2 years and fight for as. I will always love you're job and you will be no.1 FOREVER!!!
5 September, 19:29;
albert, Estonia
The Geatest Driver should stay with us...win some more championchips please..
5 September, 19:29;
V, Netherlands
!!! FORZA SCUDERIA FERRARI & Michale Schumacher !!!
5 September, 19:28;
VetOK, Mpldova
Karl is NOT an idiot... he is an ACHTUNG!!!did ya see in his name is written thayt he is a G.AY :-D
5 September, 19:22;
jg, us
plz stay....
5 September, 19:21;
tarzaan, index.hu
stay with me touch my heart again
5 September, 19:21;
tarzaab, index.hu
i love u honey my life is empty without you
5 September, 19:20;
Mascha Sokolova, Russia
Hey Michael!Please stay in Scuderia Ferrari team and stay in Formula-1 racing.Please stay in Formula 1 , schumi , without you F1 will be a poorer place. Everyone want to see your wins this year, next year at least.. maybe even few next years..
5 September, 19:19;
Stephanie, uk
You are the best. F1 will not be the same without you. Please don't stop yet.
5 September, 19:19;
Aldy Skegro, Croatia
Schumi please stay!!!! F1 won't ever be the same without you!!!! Please stay!!!Pages: First «
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