Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
9 April, 11:20; Schiplove, China
宝贝 酱油我们一起打 你是最慢的那个蜗牛我也会永远都那么爱你! 你变成个卖鞋的我也会那么爱!8年了,我还
1 April, 14:31; SL, CHINA
人生之不如意十有八九,是因为我知道有你在 。
29 March, 11:46; F1, CHINA
29 March, 11:45; F1, CHINA
27 March, 08:32; Jessica, China
Danke Schumi.
26 March, 10:28; Apple Dai, China
Cheer up! Tomorrow from the 11th start, we believe you!! It's so exciting to see you at Shanghai prix again!!!
25 March, 16:22; liziying, China
Good luck this weekend!
I hope you all the best!!
Love you forever!!
25 March, 11:17; F1, CHINA
25 March, 03:29; F1, CHINA
25 March, 03:28; F1, CHINA
25 March, 03:27; F1, CHINA
25 March, 03:26; F1, CHINA
25 March, 03:25; F1, CHINA
23 March, 16:30; vschumacher, china
17 March, 19:17; angelika, Kleve/Germany
Hallo an alle Formel 1 und Schumi-Fans.
Ich freue mich auf das ertse Rennen. Aber im Augenblick bin ich total geschockt wegen Japan. Die Menschen dort tun mir sehr leid und was berichtet wird im TV ist sehr sehr schlimm. Die armen Menschen haben zum Teil alles verloren, erst das Erdbeben, dann der Tsunami und nun auch noch das Elend mit dem Atomkraftwerk. Ich hoffe und bete, daß es noch alles zum besseren wird. Ich denke jeden Tag an das Land des Lächelns der aufgehenden Sonne. Möge doch noch eine schützende Hand über dieses Land kommen. Ich hoffe es sehr. Gruss Angelika vom Niederrhein
12 March, 03:53; F1, CHINA
12 March, 03:52; F1, CHINA
12 March, 03:51; F1, CHINA
12 March, 03:51; F1, CHINA
8 March, 14:46; kevin, Denmark
you and vettel is cool
6 March, 16:50; SL, CHINA
3 March, 18:17; Angelica, Cleve/Germany
Hallo Michael Schumacher und Formula 1 Fans!
F 1 is coming March 2011. I am happy. I am a big, big, big Michael Schumacher Fan. Good Luck Saison 2011. I am Fan 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003, 2004,2005,2006 ( im am miserable in 2007,2008,2009) and i am happy 2010,2011,2012. And 2013? 2014? 2015? usw.
Please Michael You forever Formula 1. You are the best Driver. I love You. Regards Angelica
21 February, 10:44; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:43; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:42; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:41; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:40; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:39; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:37; MS, 中国
21 February, 10:34; MS, 中国
喜欢你在法拉利的那种状态我个人觉得有几点 要改变一下,也许可能有点迷信.
一是,头盔上的黑色一圈,不太好,应该换成白色 的底色,字为黑色的,后面印的龙的颜色最好为
20 February, 16:39; kevin, Denmark
Happy Birthday Gina Maria
19 February, 07:53; MS, 中国
有一些错误是可以避免的,有些细节旁观可能 看的更清,希望你能听到这些声音,和意见, 并做出改变。改变很难,重复很容易。但是真 正的强者,是敢于挑战改变。上帝保佑我们!
19 February, 07:50; MS, 中国
说什么,也看不到,也听不到,但是,来自心 灵深处的祝福,从未停止过,也许有很多不如 意,但我们一起面对。只要尽心,尽力,失败 了,也没什么。祝11年顺利,平安。
16 February, 10:28; kevin, Denmark
8 February, 20:20; msc fan, denmark
you are the best of eternal time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 February, 16:42; 方正, 中国
迈克尔.舒马赫!!!! 我最爱的男人!最崇拜尊敬的人呐!!! 加油啊 无论现在你在那个车队,过去的一切都一直在 啊!~~~
7 February, 16:35; Frankie, China
You are the best!!!
31 January, 13:41; kevin, denmark
i'm Michael's biggest fan
31 January, 13:38; kevin, denmark
I'm really looking forward to that I need for the German Formula 1 racing
with my dad it will be mega fun
30 January, 15:05; kevin, denmark
I am happy that I got to be a fan of you
p.s believe in yourself
30 January, 15:00; kevin, denmark
I believe you can win michel?
for you have made many times
30 January, 14:55; kevin, danmark
I've finally figured out where Michael lives
3 January, 20:21; Vova, Ukraine
Happy Birthday, dear Michael!!!
3 January, 20:11; Robert, Sweden
Happy Birthday! Schumi!! Make it a great year! I know you can do it!!
3 January, 10:21; Michaelia Guo, China
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Schumi, ich liebe dich für immer.
3 January, 05:58; Eve Yao, Shanghai,China
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday,Michael!
3 January, 02:54; Schip, China
Honig,viel Glück zum Geburtstag!
3 January, 01:01; Che, China
Happy Birthday Michael !!!
2 January, 17:04; SL, CHINA
Happy Birthday,dear.
2 January, 04:56; Schip, China
我只想你 一个人。
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