Showing 50 out of 27,109 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,057
1 October, 10:45; Robert, Swdeden
Two more years, PLEASE!!!!
1 October, 10:42; Mick, Netherlands
Michael, you are the best and you will always be the best. What a fantastic win today again!!! It's not the right time to quit racing!! Michael FOREVER!!!
1 October, 10:39; miaomiao, CHina
You are the best!
1 October, 10:38; nini ai Schumi, CHINA
1 October, 10:21; 肖诗婧, CHINA
1 October, 10:04; Bek, Bulgaria
Shumi , pls stay. Without you F1 will be
only a boring car racing
1 October, 09:54; Alen, Bosna

Schumi is the best! Great race and great win!
Schumi will be the new champion
1 October, 09:21; Mike, USA
W00t! Make those smacktalking POS eat water vapor, Michael! You cannot possible let massa team up with raikonnen!!! Ferrari will never win contructors or WDC again! Look at him!
1 October, 09:20; Sherry, China
beat renault, come on ,Schumi
1 October, 09:19; sherry, china
Schumi, the 1st now
1 October, 08:59; Mike, USA
YES! Schumacher from 6th to 2nd in China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep getting renault doesn't have a prayer against you without their illegal equipment!
1 October, 07:40; I love Schumi, China
I pray to God now: Hope GOD bless you will win today!!!
1 October, 07:10; 高, 马来西亚
好像??? 详细一点。。。
1 October, 07:02; 陈, 中国
1 October, 06:53; 高, 马来西亚
1 October, 06:52; ali, singapore
China Shang Hai people...can update the weather MS is the best
1 October, 04:23; Ben, china
forever schumacher
forever king
forever fable
forever you
the only michael schumacher
1 October, 02:08; Grace, Malaysia
Schumi you are the best !!!!!!!!
Do your best that you can !!!!!!!
We will always support you >_<
1 October, 02:06; Marco, Germany
1 October, 01:52; Marco, Germany
I will watch u tonight! I hope u can win!!! SCHUMI!!!!
1 October, 01:44; Jean Todt, Ferrari-China now
Not all of the ferrari fans are idiots, but all idiots are ferrari fans!!!
1 October, 01:43; zixx, latvia
по всему выходит что мудоблядская пиздопроебина SCHUMACHER гнойный пидорас!!!

Schumi мля, попроси чтоб те кто-нибудь ебальник начистил, может быстрей станешь! :):):)
1 October, 01:35; zixx, latvia
по всему выходит что мудоблядская пиздопроебина zixx гнойный пидорас

зикс мля, попроси чтоб те кто-нибудь ебальник начистил, может умней станешь
1 October, 00:39; zixx, latvia
ne visi Ferrari fani ir stulbi. Visi kas ir stulbi, ir Ferrari fani!!! my favourite saying I heard today goes like this: Not all of the ferrari fans are idiots, but all idiots are ferrari fans!!! It's truuuuuuueeeee!
1 October, 00:34; zixx, latvia
f**king a**hole schumacher! you are king only in f**king idiot a**holes like your fans!!!
1 October, 00:32; zixx, latvia
фанаты-кастраты schumachera - ёбнутова ублюдка, вы еще тут?
1 October, 00:22; Nikolas, Russia
Run ,Forest , Run ! =)
30 September, 23:51; zixx, latvia
zixx ебнутый ублюдок, ты еще тут?
30 September, 23:45; Rick, USA
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
Michael Stay in Formula 1
30 September, 23:37; Huseyin, Turkey
Heyy Schumi please stay in Formula 1. you have to teach to be a good driver and a good person to Alonso. We can stand the bad word of his fan only for you. Now I'ts your turn. We always supported you and never give up to watch you. Now please just stay for a year for us. Please do it Schumi. Don't you want to make us the happiest people in the world? We need you Schumi... We need to support you...

Don't care anything. You're the best...............................

And You're the best man in the world.............................
30 September, 22:53; zixx, latvia
f**k YOURSELF! Ti sterva blegj suka nahuj pasol otjuda!
30 September, 22:30; F1, BOSNIA
30 September, 21:52; zixx, latvia
schumacher never won... all the wins came because his CAR WAS UNBEATABLE AND ANYONE COULD WIN ALL THESE TITLES WITH HIS CAR!!! schumacher is f**cking s**t!!!
30 September, 21:45; ahmet, turkey
hey MSC:Red Baron we love you,we adore you.Don't you understand us we need you like water.F1 needs you.Everyone,your lovers,even not your lovers,need you,because after you,everything will not be as same as before..you know this..Just one year.I am agree with Katia,Won't you win the Istanbul GP..We are always with you Until...........
30 September, 20:56; ZIXX, latvia
how on earth you want this CHEAT AND IDIOT to remain ?
30 September, 20:55; zixx, latvia
30 September, 20:51; zixx, latvia
30 September, 19:38; zixx, latvia
schumacher - ugly, dirty puzzy! he smells like the azzhole! Fuuu!
30 September, 19:17; Katia, Turkey
I'm from Turkey. I just want a year from you Michael. I only want to clap you in my country... Michael please Do you have to go before win in Turkey. Understand please We need you Every body need you Formula 1 need you. and you need to race. Please stay in F1. Just for a year just to show your power to every body. I know that power. It's in your heart and If you go, you will take it too. And we need your power. We need to see the succesed in your eyes. Please stay Michael. You can do that.
30 September, 18:45; F1, BOSNIA
30 September, 18:09; Subi, China
30 September, 17:09; Mike, USA
You and Hakkinen are the only reasons i ever watched f-1 during my lifetime. If you go, so goes f-1.
30 September, 16:55; Cynthia, China
Stay with us !
You are the BEST!
30 September, 16:38; Daniel Hübner, Germany
Hey Schumi
good luck for tomorrow.
Show Alonso who's the better driver,that "poor old Michael"
(how that stupid guy from Renault called you) is still the
best race driver ever!!
30 September, 16:15; zixx, latvia
zixx - кусок говна! я буду рад, если zixx убётся!
30 September, 15:37; Yu Fei, China
Michael please etay in F1.
Without you we will be nothing!!!
30 September, 15:24; 韩春龙, 中国
我们为什么热爱舒马赫 世间只有一个舒马赫
今年似乎就是传奇的告别,刚刚在美网上送走 了一个传奇——阿加西,今晚,我们又在赛道 上听到了舒马赫告别的声音。
30 September, 15:20; Helen M, Russia
Michael, please, will tomorrow - on my birthday!!!!!!!!!
30 September, 14:42; Jiang Ting 蒋婷, China 中国
Hope you everything goes well in Shanghai!Hope it will not rain tomorow!Hope Ferrari can win tomorow!I bilieve I can witness your success ,Michael!
30 September, 14:35; Evgeniy Kolyadintsev, Russia
Michael, thank you for being my hero.
I'm sure the whole Russia will miss you...
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